you belong with meeeeEeEEEEEEEEeeeeEEe

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The queen taylor swift inspired this oneshot, im sorry i love taylor so much ahhahaa. 8th year Draco is with Daphene Hermione  isnt happy.

Readers pov:

"You're arguing with your girlfriend, shes upset. Going off about some joke you made!" Hermione said softly to Draco, "She doesnt get your humour like i do."

"Yeah i guess you're right," Draco laughed looking at her as they made there way to the great hall for dinner.

"Im in my gryffindor dorms, its a typical Tuesday night. Im listening to the music she doesnt like thinking about you." Hermione said smiling at him.

"If you could see im the one who understands you!" Hermione said looking him in the eye as they reach the great hall, "Been here all this time how could you not notice me."

"Walking to the library with you and your funny slytherin stories," Hermione laughed which made Draco chuckle (he was kind of confused at the moment).

"They are quite funny!" Draco said funny.

"Draco i cant help thinking that is what how it ought to be!" Hermione said taking Dracos handing looking him in the eye. Everyone looked around at them sensing Daphene to off.

"Sitting in the library with you thinking how easy it was to be around you!" Hermione smiled at him but at the moment it was shy, scared, "You have the same smile that lights up the whole of hogwarts ever since the war but ever since shes been around i havent seen it. You say you're fine but i know you better than that. Im the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry!" Hermione suddenly said extremely quick.

"What are you saying 'mione?" Draco asked looking around at Daphene quickly, he knew Daphene didnt treat him right but he didnt know how to break up with her.

"What im saying is, i like you Draco and i respect you are with Daphene but she obviously doesnt treat you right. I think you deserved to know!" Hermione said walking over to the gryffindor table sitting down. Draco began to walk over to her before getting stopped.

"DRACO!" Daphene shouted capturing his attention, "If you walk over there right now we are done, you can have her if you go over there. I just want you to know that if you walk over there you are breaking up with me for her!"

Everyone held there breath silently hoping that he walks over to Hermione. He began to walk over to Hermione but broke into a run over to hermione. He picked her up and twirled around kissing her. It was official.

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