a dare

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Readers pov:

"Hermione, you've never even had your first kiss!" Ginny said teasing her.

"That doesn't mean you can call me a prude!" Hermione said, quite annoyed by her friends.

"Yes it does mione!" Ron said laughing.

"If you aren't a prude you would happily kiss the next person who enters the great hall, this is a dare!" Harry said laughing at Hermiones expense.

"Fine!" Hermione snapped quite angry at this point. They waited for 2 minutes before none other that Draco freaking Malfoy entered smirking with Theo and Blaise behind.

"Bloody hell!" Ron said as he stopped eating looking at Malfoy.

"AHAHA MALFOY ENTERED FIRST!" Ginny said a little to loud making the Gryffindors stare at her.

"A dare is a dare I guess," Hermione said holding back a smile, she had wanted to kiss the ferret for a while now. She stood up as her three fellow Gryffindor friends sat wide eyed at her, Hermione reached the three slytherin who were standing in front of the great hall door.

"Im really sorry for what im about to do, ferret!" Hermione said wincing as she leaned into Malfoy.

"Wha-" Draco started but got cut off as Hermiones lips caught his. His eyes flew open, shocked. He (for some reason) closed his eyes and kissed her back putting her hands around her waist as Hermione put her hands around his neck.

"What in merlins beard is going on?" Neville asked as everyone in the great hall stared at the two kissing. Hermione was the first to break away after a few minutes and looked at the floor.

"Sorry about that again Malfoy!" Hermione said smiling before walking back to the Gryffindor table like nothing happened.

"Its quite alright, granger!" Draco said before sitting at the slytherin table also acting like nothing happened. Everyone in the great hall sat silent, confused.

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