trying to rock them ugly jeans

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Readers pov:

"How stupid do you feel now granger? Got broken up with by me so I can have a better girlfriend!" Draco said showing off the smirking Pansy by his side to the whole school watching Draco and Hermione arguing.

"Oh how amazing, I applaud you!" Hermione laughed at them with her hands clasped together, "For looking like a pair of clowns!"

"Remember all those things me and you did first? Taking her to the same restaurant, oh come on be original!" Hermione spoke making the Gryffindors cheer her on.

"Shut up Granger you are just jealou-!" Pansy shouted at her but got cut off by Hermione shushing her, Pansy looked outraged.

"Boy you can say whatever you want I don't care!" Hermione smirked looking at Draco trying not to laugh at Hermione shushing his girlfriend.

"Drakie sort her out!" Pansy said stomping with her arms crossed, Draco just looked at her rolling his eyes Pansy not noticing.

"Please, this isn't even jealousy! She doesn't have anything on me!" Hermione spoke pointing at Pansy laughing before looking up and down at Pansys jeans, "Trying to rock them ugly jeans and putting on so much make up on attempting to be pretty!"

Many people arrived giggled at this even some slytherins. Many of the slytherins had gotten to know Hermione whilst they were dating and were actually friends. Hermione turned to look at Draco after finishing analysing Pansys ugly jeans.

"You clearly didn't think this through! You thought I'd be crying but now you just look like a fool!" Hermione said in a laughing tone before turning around and strutting away. Deep down both knowing they were still head over heels for each other.

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