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*starts by praying for Riley*

Hey it's Cat :)

So I've been in Maryland for the past couple days visiting my grandma and little cousins (pictures on the side) and I have many stories.

So yesterday I spent pretty much all day with these three, and it was so fucking exhausting.


Not to mention they had ice cream and cake...

But anyway, the oldest, Olivia, is the one in the bumblebee dress. Today, my dad and I were trying to entertain the kids so they wouldn't jump all over everyone, so we found this old show on YouTube called "Hip Hop Harry" and it's just as awful as it sounds and so my dad and I were dancing along to it and Olivia looks at me and yells "STOP DANCING YOU'RE PREGNANT"



I mean, yes, I'm having Ashton Irwin's child, but thAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET!1!!1

oh god I'm kidding duh

I'm fucking 13

So yeah, I kept dancing anyway because YOU CAN'T BRING ME DOOOOOOWN *paints skin green* *defies gravity*

^ if you have any clue what I just did, I love you

I'm writing this rant at like midnight and I have to get up early tomorrow whoops.

So, moving on.

Yesterday, we were over at their house and the three of them were like TELL US A STORY and I was like "uh ok, John, give me a story idea"

And he did.

Here is my story:

Betsy the Bull woke up on Christmas morning. The first thing he (don't judge his life choices) saw was a family of farmers.

They were hungry.

So they ate Betsy for Christmas dinner.

The end.

*infinite applause*

Yeah, I think I'm sticking to Wattpad for now.

Olivia asked me to repeat this story about 15 times today oh my god.

It was awful.

As for William and May (Mary Cecilia), they aren't exactly angels, but they're cute as fuck aw

May loves pictures and she knows how to take selfies.

She's two.


What has this world come to?

So yeah, Olivia is obsessed with me, May got her first haircut thanks to William chopping off a chunk of it, and William enjoys sitting on people's faces.

Hopefully he'll grow out of that.

Well, goodnight :)

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