dress rehearsal

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I don't think I've ever been more satisfied with myself than I am right now.

I just got back from a 6-hour dress rehearsal (our first one out of four) and I'm just really happy.

So I sang my big solo in this one song near the end of the show called "Brotherhood of Man" and I'm so incredibly proud of myself.

So I was on the stairs and when the main guy came to help me down them and brought me to the front, I realized that I couldn't see anything because there were two spotlights shining directly at me. Everything else was black and at the part where I had to move back again I was thinking "shit I'm going to fall off the stage I can see anything" but I maDE IT


So afterwards one of the stage crew people, my friend Kate, came up to me and was like "CATHERINE YOU ARE LITERALLY AN ANGEL LIKE JESUS MUST HAVE BEEN SITTING ON YOUR SHOULDER SINGING ALONG OKAY"

And I was just like "stop it" because I'm terrible at taking compliments.

So other than the fact that I still need to get the timing down for one of my entrances and I currently look like a mix between a person with a rat's nest on her head and Abby Miller from Dance Moms, I'm pretty damn excited right now.

Now I just need to make it through the week without murdering someone for talking backstage.


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