best. dream. ever.

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It's Cat hi

So last night I had the best dream ever (duh, title)

So basically I was in an airport for some reason, I think I was going to England or something (idk why) and me and my family were walking, but my brothers weren't there for some reason and so it was my parents and me and we were walking down this hallway and there were a bunch of staircases around us and I looked over the railing that was next to us and I saw Ashton and Michael's blinding hair and it was like neon orangey red and I started freaking out though for some reason I couldn't see Calum and Luke though I think they might have been there too anyway so I pointed this out to my dad and I was practically pulling his arm off like CAN I PLEASE GO SEE THEM and there was already like this line of people there but my dad was like "fine" so he and I went down the stairs and left my mom I guess and we were in the line and it moved really fast and soon I was the next person in line but it was just Ashton now for some reason but I was like practically falling over because he's my fave and I was freaking out and then it was my turn and I just went up to him and I was like HI ASHTON OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO PLEASE NEVER STOP MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY I LOVE YOU and he laughed a little and I was fangirling so hard and then the line started moving up again and right before I left I turned around and I was like "Can I pleeeease have a hug?" and he was like "sure" and he giggled and hugged me and even though it was a dream he was so warm and GVKVGJHIBDBBJFSCNJN WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE A DREAM

*breaks down crying*

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