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Ok so it's Catherine again HIHIHIHI

So idk if anyone remembers but in my little intro thing I mentioned how I'm trying out for my school play this year, as I have in the past.

Now I'm really excited. I'm going for the lead role (cross your fingers that I get it) but there's a slight problem in this matter.

One of my friend's mom is the director, and she therefore decides who gets what role.

And this would normally be fine.

Other than the fact that this friend also wants the main girl part.

This basically means I'm screwed.

Every year that me and my friend have been in the play, she's gotten the exact part she wanted. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Normally I'd be fine with this other than the fact that it's a musical and SHES LEGITIMATELY TONE DEAF.

Her mom, the director, was on Broadway when she was younger, and this friend's older sister also has an amazing voice, but honestly, her mom needs to STOP BABYING HER! SHE CANT KEEP LIVING HER LIFE NOT KNOWING THAT SHE DOESNT SOUND THE WAY SHE THINKS SHE DOES!

This really is something that I feel really strongly about because it legitimately upsets me and maybe I'm secretly being a bit selfish because the two of us want the same role, but I've been a kind of minor part for the past two years and it's my last year so I WANT TO FUCKING SHINE

Getting a little over emotional about this but really I mean it. I want the casting to be fair when it isn't. I don't like it.

I have one more rant for later lol byee

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