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i think this so far has been my favorite week of school.

so you know my friend that I don't like, she's in Cancùn!

I won't see her for another 5 days yess!!

I finally spent time with my other friend and I've had so much fun.

We were calling everyone hoes it was great.

There's this kid at my school that looks like a viner and we keep like saying hi to him and he hit me today on accident. my friend was all like omg a famous person just touched you, you should be happy. She was joking though cause obviously he's not famous.

Ew im going to Knotts again tomorrow. I've been there 3 times this month, its getting kind of annoying. I just don't wanna get ditched again.

Ooh and on Monday I had Science first period, it was so weird. ny friend who sits at my table wasn't there so i had to hear the other two boys talk about disgusting stuff.

Then the boy next to me was talking about how he was gonna pick up girls at Knotts and I actually like him ugh It was like awkward.

Then someone from my math class was asking if my friend liked anyone or if she was dating anyone. he made it obvious that he likes her but I DONT SHIP IT

OK NOw im just rambling.

p.s im like happy for once!

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