random lawyer dude

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So I'm going to NYC tomorrow (New York City for anyone who for some reason doesn't know) and I'm like a mix between nervous and excited.

I'm in my school student council, plus 8th grade, so I get to go with some other people in my grade to see this lawyer dude in New York and we're asking him questions and stuff and I'm terrified because I haven't gotten feedback from my principal on my questions yet and I want to go but I don't and I'm like legitimately scared but also really excited because New York City.

Also, if you were wondering for some reason, I live a few hours from New York, so this isn't going to be some long af ride to NYC. Just saying.

I honestly don't really care about seeing this big lawyer dude that much. I mostly just want the free food he's apparently giving us.

Because who doesn't love free food?

Okay I should probably go to sleep. Maybe I'll tell you guys how it went when I get back tomorrow.
Byeeeeeeeeee -Cat

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