lots of updates

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Hey hey it's Cat

Sorry I haven't been on here in a while, but kind of a lot of shit has been happening lately.

One is I've been forced to the gym with my dad kind of often, so that's one thing.

Another is that my cousin was born last Tuesday.

You know, the one I talked about a while ago, the one with the health problems.

Good news is that she's actually doing incredibly well, far better than anyone expected of her. My aunt had to get a c-section for her to be born. She got surgery for the hole in her back and for her head, since it was filled with fluid when she was born.

Bad news...she has club feet and one arm, along with numerous other health problems. She hasn't left the hospital yet, and she has to stay on her stomach because of her back surgery. She's getting surgery again tomorrow to put something else in her head to help with the swelling. My little cousin, her older sister, keeps crying whenever someone calls their house because she thinks they're going to call to say that Grace is dead.

But really, there's so many good signs with her. We're calling her Amazing Grace, and a couple days after she was born, my friend came up to me and told me that she was watching tv and on the show she had been watching, they sang Amazing Grace and she thought that might be a sign that she's going to be okay.

I'm so incredibly anxious about her, you have no clue, but so far she's doing fabulously. We don't know what she's going to look like when she's older, or what she's going to be like.I haven't even been able to see any pictures other than a bundle of blankets, but that's to be expected. All of this is hard on my family, but we have so much support from so many people, and it's so comforting knowing that so many people care.

Other than that, my dad finally got me iTunes money today, so I'm currently listening to Future Hearts for like the third time in about six hours.

Don't worry too much about me, guys. School is winding down (thank goodness) and everything is just getting kind of busy lately. Please don't get upset if I don't update often, or if I don't reply to your comments. Trust me, I'm still spending most of my time on Wattpad. Which reminds me, Riley and I are writing a fanfic together on @mashtonpotato5 called "No Air" so you should go check that out mkay.

Okay, I'm going to go and listen to Cinderblock Garden again byeeee

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