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ok so i was hanging out with my friends and some random boy put his hand down my jean pocket.


i freaking punched him in the fucking face and he got a bloody nose

and it was my back pocket


like boys like touch girls when they like them, not just bring her roses and cheezy shit

like i hate that bc you have no chance with that girl if you do that.

but okay promise me this:

if you ever make out with a guy and he puts his hand up your shirt/dress/skirt slap him and walk away: they do not truely love you. okay? they're judt trying to make you fall in love with them.

also, if a boy whistles at you don't turn around because you are not a fucking dog okay? so they shouldnt whistle to get your attention.

boys are disgusting these days.

just. plain. disgusting.

and if they touch you when you tell him to fuck off, fuckig slap him for me.

i am sorry if your a boy and you are reading this and ou are nice, but i am speaking my opinion and if its not okay with you;

write it down on a piece of paper and fold it until you cant fold it anymore and stick it up your ass :)

im so fed up rn dont touch me

-riley <3

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