fandom tag part 2

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So Jordan is making all of us do this apparently...this will be a bit of a struggle for me because 1) I'm in the 5sos fam and she pretty much described it perfectly and 2) I'm not really in a lot of legitimate fandoms...


^^tf was that

So these most likely will be more about the things I fangirl over rather than the actual fandoms.

1) 5sos fam (idc that jmom already did it)

-my social life


We defend the boys with our lives. If someone insults them or throws shit at any of them, we return with 10 times as much shit (this can definitely be a con sometimes as well).

We get excited for other people. A lot of us make Internet friends with other 5sos fam members and support them the whole way through, cheering if they meet one or more of the boys and earn a kiss on the cheek, or mourning if they don't ever get to meet them (for varied reasons)


We go apeshit crazy when someone says anything remotely wrong (ex: "it's 5 sauce, not 5 es oh es!").

We can be pretty fucking rude to new fans if they don't know something. (ex: "omg I love the bassist! Caleb, isn't it?" "OMG NEWB YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIS FUCKING NAME!1!!").

There are still people calling Calum Asian ffs.

Extra note: people in the 5sos fam are my best friends, whether I know them or not. I can't express how much I love/hate these people no matter how much I try.

2) "Pentaholics" (Pentatonix fans)



Tbh I don't know a lot about the fandom itself but I'll have to say it's amazing that it's so international and that people actually like acappella music nowadays.


Um, again, not sure, since I don't know of the fandom that much.

Extra note: I'm going to see Pentatonix a week from today (holy shit) so I was talking with my dad earlier and he was like "if you ever sing with them, your collaboration name could be 'catatonix'". Someone who's catatonic is a person in a coma....thanks dad.

3) Whovians (Doctor Who fans)

-dedicated af


Whovians go insane trying to reconstruct the TARDIS, making DW-themed stuff, showing their dedication in any way possible.

The show has been around for over 50 years now (after a break into the 21st century) and there are people who have been here from the beginning. That, my friend, is dedication.


People are starting to like Steven Moffat, the most confusing screenwriter ever. Like seriously, he's messed up on so many continuity points in the series (slight SPOILER ex: during the last Matt Smith Christmas episode, how tf does Clara have a mother, and why does her dad look completely different from before?) that I'm still confused on stuff.

Extra notes: If you don't know what Doctor Who is, it's this British sci-fi show about a time-traveling alien who has human companions who accompany him on his trips through time and space. It's pretty much the best show ever, so if you've never seen it, look it up. Also, if you want to watch it, I suggest starting from the beginning of the "new series" that started in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston. Watch the episodes in order, or you'll get really confused really fast.

Okay, I think I've nerded out enough for one day. Idk who to tag so...if you read this, GO DO IT NOW!

Anywho, I have to go write a thesis statement for my research paper...wish me luck 😊🔫


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