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School sucks dick enough.

So why do I want adults teaching me shit that I will most likely never use again and telling me how to run my life.

They're like my second parents. I already have them nagging on me at home and I dont want you doing the same at school okay, fuck you.

Now I'm pretty sure there are really great teachers out there that care about you and your education and I've only had one before. The rest of them just dont give a shit about what you do or what they teach.

LIKE MY MATH TEACHER IS SUCH A FUCKN BAD TEACHER. She never explains ANYTHING and is deaf af and goes super fast going over the problems. WE had a math test friday and she was like "Everything that is on the pretest will be on the real one." I took the real one and it was NOTHING like the pretest. at all. THAT HOE EVEN ADDED 10 MORE QUESTIONS.

and math is my worse subject like plz slow the fuck down.

My biology teacher is bitchy af and shes married and has kids I PRAY FOR THEM EVERY NIGHT THOSE POOR SOULS. She expects us to respect her and be nice to her but no im not going to do that if your bitchy to me or the class. dont even get me started on what she wears to work.

ANYWAY i just wanted to talk about teachers since we all have school tomorrow or later this week and have to deal with them.

♕ Jade ♕

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