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Hey, it's Cat.

So...I'm kind of starting to question my sexuality.

It kind of started when I saw that a lot of the people on here are bi or agender (aye cydad wassup) or lesbian and I'm just sort of feeling a little confused.

Normally I'd go to my friends (irl, because I have like two people who I can actually talk to occasionally) about this, but I'm kind of nervous because I'm not sure on it or anything and they're girls and I don't want them to start feeling uncomfortable around me because of the kind of people I like.

Also, there's the fact that I'm heading to an all-girls school next year.

That might be a bit of a problem, you know?

I'm just really worried because one of my friends has shown me the fact that she seems kind of uncomfortable around lesbians (I'm kind of thinking I'm bi because I still like guys but I'm kind of thinking about girls now) and I don't want to say anything to her but I do and I'm kind of feeling torn apart.

There's also the fact of my family.

For one thing, they'd absolutely freak out and wonder where the fuck I got the idea from since my parents dropped a bomb on me at dinner tonight and told me that I can't date anyone until I'm 16.




I just really need some advice right now. Having two older brothers who I don't really have a ton of trust in isn't really helping with the situation. One of my friend only ever talks about her crush (a dude) and my other friend is a grade below me who's now "dating" this dude who literally broke her heart a few weeks ago.

I feel like I have no one to turn to.

I just want a friend who understands and is willing to talk about it with me, because I'm just feeling confused as fuck right now.

Riley, are you there? It's time for another virtual hug exchange....

Hell, I'd take a virtual hug from anyone right now.

Someone please just message me on my fan account or something because I just really need someone to talk to right now.


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