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so i was in language arts last period today and this kid in there, i think i talked about him before but never mentioned is name.

well his name is Zach, he's possibly one of the weirdest kids ive met.

in class we were writing a summary that was already pre-written on the board and so anyways, he had a beanie on because he got his hair cut and i guess hates it.

so guess what he did with the beanie...

he put it in his pants......it was so disgusting.

he kept touching himself and just eww!!!

my friend thought it was his actual private part ya'know.

everyone brusted out laughing but he didn't even get in trouble.

then he put the beanie back on his head and my friend yelled at him.

it was disgusting and weird.

jmama help me!

its ashley btw.

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