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Hey hey it's Cat.

Okay, to start off, yesterday I came home from school and my iPod gliched out YET AGAIN and shut itself off and it wouldn't turn back on again until this morning. Which sucked. So if my notifications were messed up on my kindle and I didn't reply to a comment or something, sorry.

Anyway, moving on to today....

First things first: my aunt is currently in labor. Remember how I told you about my new baby cousin who's potentially going to have a bunch of health issues when she's born?

That's her.

I'm really worrying about how she's going to come out. I just want everything to be okay...

On a slightly different note, I face planted on the asphalt in gym class today.

So we were playing Capture the Flag, and we were on the second game (my team won the first one) and I snuck onto the other side but this guy spotted me. So he started chasing after me and I started running, and when I was almost across the line, he caught up to me and tagged me, pushing me to the ground by accident.

I skidded about five feet before I stopped.

So now my favorite sweatshirt has black streak marks on it and is covered in sidewalk chalk from the little kids drawing on the blacktop.

A couple of my friends went with me to the nurse because they couldn't play anyway (one has a messed up ankle and the other has a messed up knee) and on our way there, one of them was like "Catherine, when you fell, I was just thinking as you slid 'if you love me let me GOOOOOOOOOO'"

And I was like "wow thanks for your concern about my physical condition, Kate".

I said it jokingly, though, because it really wasn't all that bad.

So we went to the nurse's office and the vice principal was there instead of the nurse and she was like "oh I'll go get her"

And we stayed there for about ten minutes before she came back. Without the nurse.

"She'll be here in a few minutes"

So then she left us alone again and after like five minutes my friends were just like "we're going back outside" and left me alone.

It took another ten minutes for the nurse to finally show up.

It only took a minute or two to put a bandaid on my knee and my elbow, then she said I could go.





That's the thing that frustrates me the most about our school nurse. Whenever she's needed, she isn't there. Like, come on, lady, this is what your getting paid for for fucks sake.


Oh well. I have this high school thing tonight where I get my class shirt and get to meet some of my future classmates and stuff, so that should be fun.

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