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I know that I already posted a rant tonight but I want to fit in one more really quick whoops

Ok, so I got my first report card of the year this week and *deep breath* I GOT A FRIGGING B+ IN MATH!!!
Now, some of you might be saying, "but isn't that a good grade?" not for me, it isn't.

I'm in my school's Student Council and I'm treasurer, so while everyone else has to keep at least a B average altogether or something like that, I get kicked out of office if I have below a B+ average. Only in math though.
WHY?! I take algebra, and that has NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING TREASURER! And let me tell you, algebra SUCKS! We're on polynomials right now, and I'm really freaking confuzzled (I don't like swearing in anything other than fanfics, sorry lol). Not to mention that I have no clue how I've even managed to do as well as I've been doing since my teacher is terrible. I mean, I like him as a person (also I'm pretty sure he's taller that Luke) but he spends most of class making up puns on the spot and teasing this one kid without that kid even realizing what he said. I want to LEARN THIS STUFF! I'm going to high school next year, and I want to try and take a test in the spring that will automatically put me in Geometry instead of Algebra next year, but idk if I'll be able to do that since I learn almost nothing from this teacher!!!

All in all, school sucks a$$. Ugh.

Btw this was Cat (if you couldn't tell) byeeeeee

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