this girl tho

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so like a few days ago. i think it was saturday.

i was in petco buying my dog food because we don't want her to starve now do we?

my mom and i were in the check out line and i happened to look over and i saw this girl.

she looked about 9 or 10. she was wearing makeup.

fucking makeup.

like ok im older than you and i don't wear it. your in 5th grade just no stop.

you don't need no boyfriend just no.

her mom looked like a slut. no wonder where she gets it from.

i wonder what she wears when she goes to school. i wish i could wear sweats everyday. this ten year old tho like with short shorts, makeup, and tight shirt.

what is wrong with California these days?

what is wrong with these young children being exposed to things like this?

when i was young, i played in kidding...


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