5sos & 1D

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how come both fandoms can't accept being friends. it's like a savage war or something.

so, this is my; cyber's, perspective on it.

i made it into a little fan fic for u all.

enjoy !! ^.^

sometime during the tmh tour, 1d fans thought that 5sos were great guys, and asked the fam nicely to join them. the tiny little fam was grateful for such a powerful fandom asking to join their humble little group, they agreed and said "yes."

this is how the system worked:

a fangirl will have limited time to explore her new fandom, see the sights, meet new fans, and check out the music and features.

then, when her time is up, she'd either have the choice to go back to her fandom with the news over the band, stay in this fandom and give others information on her idols, or go to a magical land in which you can fangirl over multiple people. it was a hard decision, and many have made the wrong one. but, once it's made, you can't go back anymore.

so, a fair share of directioners crossed the line off of their fandom to the 5sos family, and were very astonished with how different it was to their land.

the directioner land, it was full of dramatized and rumor-crazed fangirls, endless screams of joy or terror around, people arguing over bromances, romances, and lots more, plus many people suggesting on how amazing the fandom and the boys were all together.

but, the 5sos family was so quiet. it was chill, girls and boys sitting around eating pizza and vegemite, no rumors wandering nor people starting some small shipping wars, and it was so amazing how the people there were quite nice and dorky in a cool way, rather than vicious and over-protective.

the group of directioners took to investigating the land, finding it amazing.

but, time couldn't last forever, eventually, they'd have to take the decision, and find out who was the band they'd truly adore and dedicate their life to.

when time did run out, they were sent to the board of fangirls, a council run by the most powerful of fangirls -- directioners having recently been accepted into the board.

so, their decisions have been made. a few girls, around five or six, stayed in the fam, happy with their choice, while around seventeen or so, went back to the fandom, wishing their fellow cohorts luck in their new land and to keep in touch.

finally, about ten girls made the decision to join both fandoms, and unite them. it was a big decision, and very unusual at that. not many people made this kind of choice.

they were sent to the ungodly place, finding others like themselves there. it was a nice little place, people of all music genres sitting around mixing and messing the place up.

that's what made it unique from other fandoms. it was amazing.

as time went on, people believe it was amazing, from other's comments, and went to check it out. so on, and so forth, lots of fangirls and fanboys found it a nice place, and stayed there happily.

others thought the 5sos fam was chill, and stayed. while others thought it was okay, but left back to their land.

soon, people from the 1d fandom thought about the 5sos fam, believing too many from their fandom were leaving over. somehow, they found a way to turn every remaining directioner against everyone in the 5sos fam, including some fellow friends who resided in the fam or the sacred land.

the 5sos fam had no idea why their friends had shun them, deciding to return the favor and hate the other fandom as well.

all the while, the people in both fandoms had no idea of this doing, and continued on with their happy lifestyle.

and they grew, everything's just like now.

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