im really sorry

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hey guys it's ellie here and I just want to apologise for not being on more

it's because I have rehearsals, so much school work and lots and lots of other stuff

but the main reason is that I've been sick again

I've stated multiple times that I'm often sick over the past 6 months but this time it's different

I was off school for about 3 days last week, but then fell ill again over the weekend

I went back Tuesday, b I went home after two periods cause I was just so sick and dizzy

I never forget what I have next lesson, but after first period I thought I had science, so I walked all the way there, but I turned out I didn't so I walked all the way back up to where I was first period, with no idea of what I had next

a couple of my friends were on the stairs, so i asked them (I was close to tears at this point) they told me i had maths next so I went there. later on, I got a message from one of those fiends asking if I was okay, I seemed so out of it in the stairs and they were really worried

So in maths, I had a test, and I literally couldn't think straight. after maths, my best friends asked me if I was okay and I said I felt terrible so the took me to medical

apparently, I couldn't even walk in a straight line and was stumbling all over the place

eventually I got permission to go home, and was sat outside the office, when my friends were told to go to next lesson

literally seconds later, I burst into tears. I sat crying for about ten minutes before my mum got to school

Yesterday, I went to the doctors and I have to go to the hospital for some blood tests (Im terrified of needles so that's going to go well)

my mum said that I could be anaemic, and I might have had glandular fever

they also wanna check my thyroid

I'm slightly scared about the blood tests, but I'm just looking forward to feeling better and being able to do all the things I love again

I've been missing okay rehearsals, and I've Ben temporarily pulled out of my theatre group, which was literally my life. I had to miss out on the biggest acting possibility ive ever had last November because of illness

but yeah that's my lame excuse for not being active here or writing a lot recently

I'll try to be here more guys, i promise

I'm just fed up of being sick now

oh yeah the song above is not relevant at all it's just that I'm currently obsessed with the kagerou project and that song

bye guys ily all <3


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