Meeting The Big Star Ch 1

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"Lisa come on your gonna be late." 

Even across the apartment I could still hear my best friend Maci screaming for me. 

I was dreading this day. 

Today was the day of my first big celebrity interview. 

All I've ever done was interview hometown people or dog show winners but not today, today I was interviewing a movie star, who I had no idea.

"So, you have no clue who you're interviewing today." Maci asked. 

"Nope, all Harry said was and I quote Your getting a big-time star so don't fuck this up." 

"Ah Harry such a soft-spoken old man." Maci said

I just laughed. 

"Ok so I have my tape recorder and my note pad but I have pretty good memory." 

"Good now let's go or Harry will kill both of us if you aren't on time." Maci said.

I grabbed my bag and we headed to Maci's car. 

The traffic was horrible but that's New York for you. But lucky for me Maci drives like a nascar driver. 

"Look I'll drop you off here and go park, hurry up you'll be late." Maci said. 

I got out of the car and raced inside. 

I ran to where my interview was taking place. 

"Your late." Harry said

"Sorry boss the traffic on 5th avenue was crap." 

"Well lucky for you he's running late as well." Harry said

"Oh, um ok so I guess I'll freshen up before he gets here." 

Harry just nodded and gave me a crooked smile. 

I walked over to a corner table and pulled out a mirror and check my make up.

"Don't bother checking honey because you are gorgeous and I mean that." 

"Hi Travis how's my favorite make up guy." 

"Honey I'm tired and drained. My weekend was full of fun." Travis said with a devilish smile.

"Oh, that's right your big date with Doctor Hunky. So, dish how was it."

"Baby doll  you know me I don't kiss and tell but I will tell you this. He's hung  like a race horse if you know what I mean." Travis said smiling.

Travis and I let out a loud laugh.

"Excuse me are you, Lisa." 

"Yes, I am and you are." I said turning around seeing just who it was and when I saw who it was my stomach hit the floor.

"Hi I'm Chris Evans." he said holding out his hand. 

All I could do was stare at him. Here in front of me stood the most gorgeous man I have ever seen and I've seen my fair share of good look men but not this good looking. 

His  eyes were like looking at blue pools of water. I was so lost in them it  felt we were the only two people in the room, until I was brought out  of my haze by Travis poking my side. 

"Hi yes I'm Lisa I'll be interviewing you today. Umm will you excuse me for just one second." 

"Sure, take your time." He said. 

I turned and grabbed Travis by the hand and almost pulled his arm off.

"Oh my god Travis do you know who that is." 

"Hell, yeah I know who that is. Captain Sexy." Travis said looking through the door at Chris talking on the phone.

I could feel my heart in my throat, the next thing I knew I was sweating in places I didn't even know I had. 

"Travis what the fuck am I gonna do I can't interview him." 

"Why not honey." 

"Cause, he's not just Chris Evans he's Captain America, Ari Levinson, Colin Shea, Ransom Drysdale. I'm going to bomb at this." 

"Lisa,  sweetie calm down, those are just characters, those aren't real people,  the man that played them is real, 100% grade A man, now take deep breath and remember he puts his pants on one leg at a time. Ok." Travis said holding my hands. 

And he was right. So, I took a deep breath, counted to 10 and walked back into the room. 

"Sorry about that I need a second to gather my notes." 

"No worries. So shall we get started." Chris said. 

"Yes of course." 

We walked over to the chairs that had been set up and then we got our mics on. 

"Ok Mr. Evans I'm just gonna ask you about your time in the movie industry, and some other things not to personal." 

"Ask away I'm open book." He said smiling.

I smiled back and felt the butterflies in my stomach turn into elephant's.

I just pray I can make it through this interview without saying something stupid. But man it wasn't gonna be easy. 

(Let me know in the comments if you love it or hate it. It's been awhile since I've written a story.)

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