Chapter 35

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Scott's POV

After I got off the phone with Maci I made a mad dash to the studio where Chris was filming.

"Hey, Dale is my brother around."

"Yeah he's in hair and makeup, why what's up." Dale said.

"I just need to talk to him. Thanks."

I headed to the makeup trailer.

"Hey Scotty, what brings you by."

"Hey Lana, listen, can i get a minute with my brother."

"Sure he's all finished anyway. I'll give you guys some space." Lana said

I saw Chris coming out of the washroom.

"Scott, what are you doing here?" Chris said

"Look man i know your busy but we got a problem check your phone."

He reached into his bag and pulled out his cell.

"Holy shit, 15 missed calls from Janey, 3 texts from maci and a voicemail and missed calls from you. What the hell is going on." Chris said.

"The wedding got leaked to the press."

"What." Chris said

"Yeah, Maci was out this morning and she saw a picture from Disneyland of you proposing to Lisa. And it's all over the tabloids."

"Dammit, I was afraid of this. We tried to keep our relationship private. Who the hell leaked it." Chris said.

"I don't know, but it has to be someone we know or someone the girls know. Or someone who has a grudge against you."

"Shit, I better call Lisa." Chris said

"Yeah, good idea."

I gave Chris some space to call Lisa.

Chris's POV

This is what I was trying to avoid, how did this get leaked to the press.

Before I called Lisa I had to return the calls to Janey.

"Janey Washington."

"Janey, it's Chris."

"Christopher, where the hell have you been? I've been trying to get a hold of you all day." Janey said.

"I've been filming, look before you even start I know, I know that the wedding got leaked to the press."

"Yes we know were trying to find out who leaked the photo's but there's a good chance whoever did it is gonna disappear before we find out." Janey Said

"So what do we do?"

"Well you can make a statement or you and Lisa can do an interview but staying silent won't help you." Janey said.

"I know your right but i really should call Lisa and talk to her first."

"Ok. well let me know what you guys wanna do and I'll set something up." Janey said.

"Thanks Janey."

After I got off the phone with Janey I looked at my phone at the text messages from that had a link to the magazine article. I clicked on it and read it.

"Oh my god. How did someone get a hold of this picture, and the interview was failed whoever this is if i find them I'm gonna kill them."

I just couldn't believe what i was reading, how in the hell did this even get out, if Janey was right and this was someone in her office i hope they find them and fire them.

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