Chapter 109

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(Hey guys sorry its been taking me so long but i've been having really bad writers block so i hope to get some more chapters out soon, i'm writing when i get inspired and i haven't had much to inspire me. So here ya go.)

Chris's POV

The party was in full effect. The kids were running around and enjoying themselves.

"Looks like someone couldn't finish her own party." Scott said, rubbing Aj's little back.

"She's just resting up for her big moment." I said holding Aj in my arms.

I kissed the top of her head, when I looked up and I saw Lisa watching me I smiled at her and she smiled back.

A little while later Aj had woken up and Carly took her to change out of her dress and into something she could get messy.

"Ok everyone, it's time to sing to little miss." Carly said, putting Aj in her highchair.

We sang happy birthday and watched her tear into her cake like a champ, and we've got the pictures to prove it.

As the day turned to night the kids were starting to come down from their sugar high and the adults were sitting around chatting.

Once all the kids headed home and Carly's kids crashed, I noticed Lisa looked like she was off in her own world. I went over to her and sat next to her as she was sitting in front of the fire pit.


"Hi. Party's over." she said

"Yeah everyone left and Carly is putting the kids to bed for the night. Are you ok? You look distant." I said putting my arm around her and feeling her sigh.

"I was just thinking." she said

"About what."

"When I saw the kids running around and having and I saw you holding Aj in your arms, I so wanted that to be us. And I know we can never have that, and being here with everyone was great but a part of me was just sad that we can never have that." she said, wiping her tears off her face.

"Baby, it's ok to feel this way, and honestly a part of me wants this to." I said, feeling her sigh again.

I held her close to me, and comforted her the best way I knew how.

A part of me felt bad that she was feeling this way, I just wish there was something I could do to help and I think I know how.

"Come on, I think we both need some sleep, let's go home baby." I said

I stood up and helped Lisa to her feet, we went in the house and said our goodbye and headed home.

When we got home Lisa headed straight to bed and I sat downstairs with dodger for a little bit.

I sat there and thought about what Lisa said, she so wants to have a baby of her own. I just wish I knew how to help her, but I don't wanna overstep. She's still coming to grips with not being able to have a child of her own.

I think maybe I should call Megan and see what she thinks. She's always been able to help the both of us see the light in dark times.

Lisa's POV

After we got home from the party I headed up to bed but Chris stayed downstairs. I don't know why but I guess he wasn't tired. I decided to shower and get into some comfy Pj's.

Once I was done I got into bed but I knew I couldn't sleep. I grabbed my phone and saw I had some text from Carly, Shanna and mom, when i opened them it was pictures from the party.

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