Chapter 11 The Morning After

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 (Language and smut Enjoy)

The next morning I woke up and saw some sunlight peeking through the curtains. I reached out my arm to find the other side of the bed empty.

I sat up, and all I could think about was the night before.

Every touch brought a smile to my face. Last night was the most amazing night of my life. And all I wanted was more.

So I decided to get dressed and get something to eat. I put my robe on and headed out to the kitchen.

The house was quiet.

"I wonder where Chris is." I said grabbing my phone off the charger seeing i had a missed call from Maci so i called her.

"Well you are alive. Has Chris turned your brain into mush with all the sex your having oh sorry not having." Maci said.

"And hello to you to sunshine. And maci you can't say that to me anymore."

"Can't say what anymore." Maci said.

"The crack about the not having sex."

"OH MY GOD YOU DID IT YOU FINALLY DID THE DIRTY." maci said, screaming for joy.

"So i take it your happy i finally had sex." I said.

"Happy I'm overjoyed. OK i want all the details, was it hot and nasty, or was it sweet and cute, is he kinky, or his sweet and loving." Maci said.

"Maci I'm not telling you anything just know this, last night was the best of my life, I'm so in love with Chris, he makes me feel amazing, he makes me feel special, I've never felt anything like this before." I said

"Oh honey I'm so happy for you. You really deserve this. Chris is perfect for you. And honestly I'm jealous." Maci said.

"Your jealous, since when does maci Klein get jealous?"

"I don't know but I hope one i find someone that makes me happy just like Chris makes you happy. So where is lover boy, is he still in bed from all the sexy time you had." Maci said.

I just laughed.

"So when will you be gracing me with your presence back in NYC." Maci asked.

"We've got one more week here and then Chris has to fly out to LA for business meetings so i'll be home when he goes to LA."

"Awesome, cause mamma needs her tag along back." Maci said.

"Yeah I'm sure you."

As I was on the phone with Maci I heard Chris come in with dodger.

"Oh hey babe I didn't think you were awake yet." He said, giving me a kiss.

"Who was that." maci asked

"It's Chris. She hi to maci."

"Hey maci." He said.

"Hi gorgeous. OK so I'll let you go and I'll see you in a week." Maci said.

"OK Maci, I'll see you soon."

"Love you." Maci said

"Love you to." I said hanging up with her.

I headed out to the kitchen to see Chris putting some groceries away. I walked over to him and put my arms around his waist.

He turned around so I was facing him. He leaned down and kissed me. His hand began to roam down to my butt giving it a squeeze cause me to let out a soft moan. That little moan set Chris off.

He picked me up and placed me on the counter. Never breaking the kiss.

I ran my hands down to the hem of his shirt pulling it off him, he untied my robe and started massaging my breast sending me into a frenzy. He then pulled me so my ass was off the counter, he took my leg and put it on his shoulder, his mouth found my already wet clit, licking and sucking my juices. I placed my hand on the back of his head giving him the go ahead to go deep.

"Fuck." i said in a low tone.

He didn't stay down there long, he came up and attacked my lips, sucking and biting my lower lip. He picked me up again and carried me to where my back was against the wall, he pulled down the shorts he was wearing and without hesitating slammed me down on his hard cock.

"Oh god. Fuck yeah baby that's it."

"Tell me baby, what does my queen want from me." Chris said slowly moving in and out of my soaking wet core.

"Fuck me. Oh god fuck me hard."

And he did. He began pounding me rough and hard and I loved it.

"Fuck Chris, yes oh god fuck me, your so deep."

"Fuck, your so sexy i love watching you bouncing on my cock." He said.

He kept pounding me hard, I could feel myself about to come unglued.

"Hmm baby I'm close, keep doing that, keep oh god yes fuck yes."

Cries of passion and ecstasy filling the air. The sound of our bodies moving as one, the animalistic moans coming for Chris were enough to make a girl go crazy.

"Yeah you like that don't you. You like when i pound you, don't you, you little dirty girl." Chris said.

I don't know what it is but when he talks dirty to me I have the overwhelming urge to just go all fifty shades of grey. I'm his submissive and he is my master.

"God yes I'm a dirty girl. I'm your dirty girl."

Talking dirty to him just made him go faster. And harder.

"Oh god Chris I'm gonna cum, oh god fuck yes."

"You wanna cum on my cock don't you." He said.

"Yes. God yes." I said.

"Open your eyes, never close your eyes when you cum, I wanna see those beautiful eyes." He said.

Screaming out his name in passion made me come undone.

"I'm cumming oh god I'm cumming."

"Cum for me baby, cum all over my cock." He said.

Chris thrust up hitting what he needed to hit for me to come undone.

We both climaxed at the same time. Coming down off our euphoric sex driven high, I don't even know how we made it to the bed.

"That was incredible." I said my head on his chest.

"Yes, Yes it was. So what did you wanna do today." He asked.

"I just wanna stay in this bed all day and just lay here and do what we just did."

"Oh so you want more. Wow we made love for the first time the other night and now you crave it, I hope I didn't turn you into a sex crazy girl." He said.

"Nope, you just have that effect on me. Your like a drug vans and I want it all the time."

So we did, we stayed in bed, made love and just chilled out.

But in the back of my head i knew i would have to get back to NYC. I hated that. I just hope I can hold it together when Chris leave. But i wasn't gonna let that spoil what i have right here and now.

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