Chapter 41

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Chris's POV

I headed down to the beach and saw Lisa sitting down watching the ocean.

I walked over to her and sat down and put my arm around her shoulder.

"Hey you ok." I asked her.

She placed her head on my shoulder.

"I think so." she said

"Maci told me what happened. Are you ok."

"I guess. I hope Janey won't be mad." She said

"Why would Janey be mad." I asked

"Well I mean we're not married yet and I talked to the press. She said not to do it alone." she said

"Babe you did what you had to do, and from what maci said you did good."

She looked at me and smiled.

"There's that smile I love. So what else did you do."

"I got some art supplies." She said

"Yeah, what kind."

"Well I got some paint, some brushes, a new sketch pad and some colored pencils." She said

Watching her smile as she told me what she got at the art store made me happy, seeing her light up like she was, made me happy.

"So you wanna head back up to the house and get something to eat."

"Let's just sit here for a little bit, Close your eyes." she said


"Just do it. Close your, take a deep breath and tell me what you see." she said

"Ok I'll play along." I said.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"My eyes are closed and I can't see anything."

"Your hopeless." She said, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

I looked at her and she was smiling.

"Well whatever you see must really be good."

"It is. I see you and me on our wedding day." she said, her eyes still closed.

"And that's a good thing."

"That's not the only thing i see, i see you and me back in Boston dodger on the floor, you and i snuggled up in bed watching the snowfall on a cold winter Boston day, i see us happy." She said, she took a deep breath, opened up her eyes and smiled.

"That sounds amazing."

"Try again but this time try harder." She said

"Ok." I said taking a deep breath and closing my eyes.

"What do you see?" She said

"I see us, I see you and me in Boston out in the yard with dodger, we're happy. I also see you holding a little baby." I said

"Oh yeah, boy or girl." She said

"Little girl, she looks just like you. I can't wait for that to happen." I said, opening my eyes and looking at her.

I placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her.

"Hmm I promise one day we will have that big Boston family you always wanted." she said

"Whenever it happens I'll be happy, but what makes me more happy is if we go up to the house." I said pulling her up from the sand and placing my arms around her.

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