Chapter 73

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(Well guys here is ch 73 it may take me awhile to get 74 done, it's hard to right cause I'm trying to make it perfect for you guys i owe you that much. I just hope you guys like it. so here we go.)

I couldn't believe Sebastian was sitting on the couch in the living room, he would be the one friend that would force me to talk.

I grabbed a couple beers and walked over to the couch and gave seb one and then sat next to him.

"So before you ask, no Chris doesn't know I'm here and 2. What is going on." Seb asked.

"I left Chris."

"Why." He asked.

"I have my reasons."

"Ok so tell me the reason." he said

I shook my head. I didn't wanna tell Seb why I left his best friend, I didn't wanna tell him that I was a complete bitch and lost it.

"Come on tell me." he said

"Fine. Well I'm sure you know before I got released from the hospital I got some news that just shook me to my core."

"Yeah Chris told me about that. I'm sorry." He said

"Thank you, When we got back to Boston I thought i was ok. I was going to physical therapy everyday so I didn't have to walk with crutches or a cane anymore. And I was happy."

"I hear a but." he said

"But I was faking it. I wasn't happy, I was miserable, everything I did to make myself happy only made me feel worse, then I started having nightmares, some I was back in that basement, others I was hearing the sounds of a crying baby. One dream really sent me for a loop"

"What was the dream about?" He asked.

I really didn't wanna relive it but seb was more like a brother to me.

"I had this really horrible dream that i was in a dark room and all i could hear was the sound of a baby crying so started walking toward a door but it just kept getting future and future away from when i finally reached it i went inside there was a crib in the of the room and all i could hear was a baby crying so i walked over and i picked it up and it stopped crying. But then Chris was there and he kept saying that there was no baby that all I was holding was a blanket, And then he said he couldn't live with me because I was so sad and so depressed that he hated it so he was leaving me for someone who could give him what he wants. I screamed and I cried but he still left."

"But you know Chris would never do that." Seb said

"No, I left him before he left me. I can't make him stay with me cause I can't give him the one thing in the world that he wants."

"Honey, maybe you and him can adopt. There's tons of kids out there that need good homes." Seb said

"But it won't be his flesh and blood. He needs to just forget me and find someone who isn't broken and can give him what he wants."

"Lisa, i know your struggling right now but just listen to me, don't walk away from this, don't walk out on Chris, he loves you, he needs you in his life, we all need you in our lives, you can't run because things got tough or because you lost your cool, i get that need space but don't lose the one thing in your life that makes you happy and i know for a fact Chris makes you happy. I love you both and I think you should call him. And just tell him ok." Seb said

"Seb, with all due respect I can't do that. I know in my heart he can't possibly love me. I'm broken, I'm empty i can't give him what he wants so why bother to try and be heartbroken when it's failure after failure i can't put him through that. Sebastian promise me you won't call him. Please, I don't want him to know where I am. Please promise me."

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