Chapter 92

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(Now that wattpad is up and running again i have ch 92 for you guys, i just wanna say thank you for all the votes and comments I'm so happy that you guys like this. When i started this story i didn't really think it was any good i didn't think it would go this long but I've been trying to get at least 1 chapter finished and one started so i have something to post. Ok so here we go and yes sexy time LoL )

Since we've been home Chris and I have spent every moment together, we would take dodger our on walks to the park, we even went to a couple red sox games.

But the best part was just sitting on the couch watching TV, yeah i think that was the best part.

One lazy afternoon I was sitting outside reading when I heard Chris come back from his walk with dodger.

"Oh hi bubba, did you have a good walk with dad." I said to dodger then he licked me.

All I could do was giggle.

"Well I see how it is, I come out here and your kissing another man." He said

"Honestly honey I like your kisses better than his, sorry dodge."

Chris came over to me and kissed me.

"So what do you wanna do today. We can go for a drive or order in and just veg out in front of the TV. Your choice my lady." He said

"My choice huh, well." I said getting up and sitting on Chris's lap putting my arms around his neck. Then I started kissing his neck.

"Hmm, I like the way you think." Chris said scooping me up and carrying me into the house and dropping me onto the couch.

And when he dropped me I giggled. He hovered over me kissing me and then started to kiss my neck, after all this time his lips still felt amazing on my skin, my whole body was beginning to tingle.

"Should we take this up to the bedroom?" Chris said

"Nope. You started this game Evans, now finish it."

"Yes ma'am." he said, crashing his lips onto mine.

As we were making out I got him to sit down and straddled his hips, he took his hands and grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it up over my head.

As Chris was kissing his way down my neck to my chest, he lifted me up and carried me to the kitchen counter and set me down on it. I wasn't shocked, Chris has a bit of a rough side and I welcomed it.

"Baby." I said

"I want you right here and I want you right now." His lips met mine and I could feel his hands moving up my inner thigh, he reached between my legs and brushed his fingers over the material of my panties.

"You want me right here." I said, grabbing his chin to look at me, I could see the lust filling his eyes. "Then take me, take what's yours Evans."

"MMMMM don't mind if I do." He said

He laughed and I felt him push aside my panties , he pushed his fingers into my dripping wet clit.

Not only was he working me with his fingers but he was using his skillful tongue as well, my back arched off the counter, he lifted my legs and placed them on his shoulder to get better access to me. My hands began to hurt as I gripped onto the counter.


I could myself getting close, Chris could sense this and stopped what he was doing. He pulled me off the counter and started to carry me upstairs to the bedroom, he kicked the door closed and took me over to the bed.

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