Chapter 4 Date Night

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The next day Maci and I went shopping for a dress for my big date with Chris later.

"I swear women's clothing is just getting more and more smaller." I said looking at the racks of 2 size dresses.

"Oh lisa look at this one. I think you should wear this tonight." Maci said holding up a very small cocktail dress.

"No. I would need two of them to cover me. Maci I wanna look good, not look like a tramp looking for a booty call."

"Well i'm gonna get it cause i have a date with that hot smoking barista from down the street." Maci said holding the dress against her body.

All I could do was laugh at her. Maci was always a wild cat. Here was a girl that lost her virginity at 14 years old. And to this day i'm shocked she hasn't gotten knocked up.

As Maci was looking at more clothes my eyes spotted the cutest looking dress.

"Oh wow honey i love that. You should try it on." Maci said.

I took it over to the dressing room and tried it on and thankfully it fit like a glove.

"Woah hot momma. Well I think this dress is gonna knock caps socks off. Hell maybe it will end up crumpled on the floor of his hotel room." Maci said smiling.

"Yeah so not gonna happen." I said. Even though I had that thought.

This dress was perfect. It was sky blue just like Chris's eyes. It was slightly off the shoulders with a sweetheart neckline and the dress stopped just about my knees.

At home it was almost 8 and I was just about finished getting ready. I decided to put my hair up in a playful ponytail, my makeup but noticeable. I finished it off with some earrings and my very special necklace.

I was just checking my face in the mirror when I heard maci call me from the other room.

"Hey lisa your date is here." she said

"Be right there." I said grabbing my purse and heading out to the living room.

When i got out there i saw Chris standing in the living room talking to maci holding some flowers. He looked so handsome. He was wearing a grey suit and white button down dress shirt.

The closer I got to him the hotter he got.

"Hi." I said

"Hi. You look beautiful. Oh here these are for you. I wasn't sure what flowers you liked so i got you some wildflowers." he said, handing me the flowers.

"I love wildflowers thank you." I said

"Hey you guys better get going and I'll put those in water for you." Maci said, taking the flowers from me and giving me a hug.

"Have fun." She whispered.

I smiled at her.

Chris and I went down to his waiting car to take us to the restaurant he picked.

"I hope you don't mind italian but there is a great place just a few blocks from here." He said.

"I love italian." I said feeling the nerves slowly creep up.

When we got to the restaurant we were ushered to booth in the back so we wouldn't get disturbed.

"Hi guys, I'm Miles. I'll be serving you tonight. Can I get you something to drink?" Miles said.

"Umm i'll have a glass of red wine." I said.

"Just a beer for me." Chris said

"Alright i'll get those drinks for you." Miles said walking away.

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