Chapter 99

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(Hey all wow what a crappy couple months I've had, like i said before December i spent 3 weeks in the hospital came home things were fine but my health took a turn and i had to go back to the hospital on Jan 16th but at least that was just a week. But now i'm doing better and decided to get back to writing, it's the only thing i can do to keep my from going crazy lol so here's chapter 99 enjoy.)

I spent 2 weeks in the hospital and I hated every second of it.

But just when I thought I would have to spend more time there, Dr Lewis gave me the ok to go home.

And now I'm finally going home.

The hospital wasn't far from the house so it only took us a few minutes to get home. Once we pulled into the drive I got nervous.

"Well here we are home sweet home." Chris said, looking over at me.

I was looking up at the house, and Chris heard me nervously sigh.

"Hey you ok. You don't seem excited to be home." He said

"I am excited to be home, it's just the last time I was in the house, I was pregnant, I sat down on the couch and there was blood on it."

"Sweetie look at me." he said

I turned and looked at him.

"I know things won't be the same, but i don't want you to think about what happened that day, i just want you to focus on relaxing and getting better." he said

Chris was right. I needed to focus on myself and getting better.

"Ok, i'm ready to go in."

Chris smiled and kissed me. After the kiss he jumped out of the car and raced over to my side and helped me up. He scooped me up and carried me up the stairs and into the house, he carried me over to the couch, he was about to set me down on the side I was sitting on when I started to miscarry.

"Umm Chris not there."

"Ok." He said, setting me down on the other side of the sofa.

When he sat me down I couldn't help but look at the other side of the sofa, I felt my heart beating fast. All the memories started flooding back. But I couldn't let Chris see my fear.

"So I was thinking I could make dinner and we just get comfy on the couch and just relax." he said sitting down next to me.

"Honey, don't fuss over me. I'm ok with take out, in fact i kinda want pizza, eating hospital food for a couple weeks just wasn't good."

"Pizza huh i think i manage that, what are you in the mood for." he said

"Hmmm a big cheese pizza with pineapple and ham."

"Hawaiian pizza, ok, and i know the perfect place, i'm gonna head over to Gino's and get the pizza and go pick up dodger, he's missed you." He said

"Oh I've missed him too."

"Ok i'll be back." he said, giving me a kiss.

I watched him head out.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, i flipped through the channels but i couldn't find anything so i shut the tv off and grabbed my phone, i saw i had some missed calls from a couple people, like mom, carly shanna and scott, i decided to call them later.

As I was about to put my phone down a message came through. It was from ana. And I smiled.

Ana-Hey girl just wanted to see how you are doing, give me a call if you wanna chat. Love you, miss you.

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