Chapter 121

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(ok guys this story is coming to an end. Hope you enjoy this chapter)

The next morning I woke up with the stiffest neck I have ever had in my life. When I lifted my head I still had my hands in Maci's incubator but this time she was clutching my finger.

"Good morning baby girl. I bet you slept better than mommy did."

I looked over and saw Chris still sleeping on the couch, I smiled, he could sleep just about anywhere.

"Good morning Mrs evans."

"Dr McBride look she's holding my finger, that's a good sign right."

"It could be, but let me get her vitals and see where we are." Dr McBride said.

I watched the doctor check on the baby.

"So doc how is she?"

"Well she's doing better but I'm still not happy with her numbers, they just don't seem to be going up." She said

"But she grabbed my finger, that has to be a good sign."

"Yes it is but it could also be a muscle reflex, I know your frustrated, no parent wants to see their child sick or in pain, you just have to keep the faith that she can pull through this. I'll be back in a couple hours to check on her, don't lose hope Mrs Evans." Dr McBride said.

After she left the room I kept thinking about what she said: keep the faith and don't lose hope, but how, my hope and faith were fading and I was scared to death that I wouldn't find them.

I decided I needed some fresh air. I walked outside and walked along the path outside the hospital. I found myself outside of a garden type area with some benches, I walked over and sat down.

I sat back and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes I was looking up at the sky.

"You know if you keep looking up at the sky you'll burn your eyes out."


"Hey baby girl." She said

When i looked at her she looked so beautiful, she looked like well like an angel. She placed her hand on my cheek and I grabbed it.

"You look exhausted sweetheart. Your not taking care of yourself." she said

"Oh mom, I miss you."

"Now how on earth can you miss me, when you have an amazing husband and beautiful little girl to keep you occupied." she said

When she said that, I looked at her shocked.

"Wait, you know about Maci."

"Of course I do, I may be dead but I'm always watching you, I gotta make sure my baby girl and my grand baby are safe." she said

I felt the tears streaming down my face.

"Hey why the tears?" she asked.

"Mom it's maci she's sick, they had to put into a coma and if she doesn't come out of it soon she may never wake up. I'm gonna lose my baby girl mom."

I felt her wrap her arms around me and hold me close to her.

"I wish there was something I could do honey." she said

"I wish you were here mom, I'm so scared."

"I know honey, how's Chris holding up?" she asked.

"He's been a rock for me, but I know he's holding it all in. All the nurses keep telling me to not give up and to keep the faith but it's hard mom, it's hard to watch her struggle with each breath she tries to take, i'm not strong mom. I don't think I can handle it if I lose her. She's all Chris and I have ever dreamed of. I can't lose her mom, I just can't."

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