Chapter 25

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Chris's POV

I sat there and watched her walk out of the bedroom. I wanted to chase after her but something inside me just wouldn't let me.

I sat there for hours and just stared at the wall. Why did I let her leave, why did I just watch her walk out that door? I should have gone after her.

I didn't even know what time it was until dodger came into the bedroom whimpering.

"Hey bubba. I'm sorry, come on, let's get you something to eat." I said taking the dodger back downstairs.

I got him some dog food and placed it on the floor.

It has been a few hours since Lisa left. It was dark out and I was worried. I picked up my phone and called Scott.

"Hey Scott it's Chris has Lisa called you."

"Nope, she hasn't called me why what's up." Scott said.

"Umm it's nothing she went out for a walk and that was a few hours ago and she's not back yet so um I'll call mom or the girls maybe she went over shanna's house."

"Chris, what's going on? Did you guys have a fight." Scott said.

"A fight is an understatement. She um she walked out."

"Ok so what was the fight about?" Scott asked.

"Scott, I really messed up. I got pissed at her for telling mom about this guy that used to stalk her when she was living in Boston 5 years ago."

"Wait, she had a stalker. Wow, that's crazy." Scott said.

"Yeah, and she was having these nightmares of this guy hurting her and me and maci her best friend. She hasn't been sleeping because of them so when we got back from New York she crashed on the couch and i went to go get dodger and i told mom that lisa hasn't been sleeping because of the nightmares and mom asked me why and i told her about Jacob that's the guy and mom said that she already knew. And I, I don't know, I snapped and I started pushing Lisa away."

"Why would you do that?" Scott said.

"I don't know, I guess I was kinda jealous that she told mom before me."

"Chris, Mom is the closest person Lisa has to a real mom she confided in her cause she's mom. Everyone confided in her growing up. You know that. All the neighborhood kids did. Even the kid that had moms came over and talked to her. So you getting jealous cause Lisa talks to mom about something from her past before you is kinda." Scott said.

"Stupid, dumb, moronic, you can stop me anytime now."

"No, I think you pretty much nailed it. Ok so where is she." Scott asked.

"If I knew that I wouldn't have called you, she doesn't have her phone on her either, where the hell could she be."

"Chris, think, where do you think she would go, out of all the places in boston where is the one place everyone ends up." Scott said.

I laughed cause i knew where she was.

"Mom's but it's after midnight."

"Dude, Mom's a night owl just like you she'll be awake just call, just to put your mind at ease." Scott said.

"Yeah, thanks bro."

"No problem, let me know she's ok." Scott said

"I will."

After I hung up with Scott I called mom.


"Mom it's me."

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