Chapter 10 The Big Night

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Writers note (This story contains sexual situations and explicate language readers be warned)

The whole ride home from his parents place I was a bundle of nerves but thankfully I was hiding it very well.

When we got into the house it was taking everything I had in me to not jump on Chris the second the door shut. But I kept my composer and walked over to the couch and sat down.

After he took Dodger out for the night he came back in and rested his head on my lap, I ran my fingers through his hair and heard him sigh.

"Did you have a good birthday baby."

"Hmm it was a great birthday." He said.

If i was gonna do this now was the time.

"Hey baby. I've got another gift for you but I need to get it set up so can you wait out here for me." I said

"Another gift for me. What is it?" Chris said lifting his head off my lap.

"Well if i tell you then you won't be surprised, so." I said sitting him up and straddling his hips. "Be a good boy and sit out here until I tell you to come in OK." I said

"And what if i don't wanna be a good boy." He said kissing and biting my neck. "What if i wanna be bad very very bad." He said placing open mouth kisses on my neck and slowly moving down to my chest.

I was trying my hardest to not just give in to him right there but I had everything all planned out.

"Now I've been planning this for a couple days and you wouldn't wanna ruin what I've planned for you now would you."

"Hmm no i guess not. OK go set up what you've got planned for me." he said but as i was trying to get up he pulled me back down. "But don't take too long." He said kissing me hard.

In my head all I could think of was , Just take me here and forget about the bed. But I got up and out of that room as fast as I could.

So I hurried into the bedroom and set up my gift.

I lit some candles, changed out of my dress and into some lingerie that I bought before we left new York. I covered myself up with a robe, didn't want him to see his gift before I was ready.

Gave the room a once over.

"Looks good to me. OK Lisa this is it. You love him so much, it's time to show him how much." Giving myself a pep talk was somewhat dulling my nerves but not by much.

I opened the door of the bedroom and headed to the living room and walked to the couch lucky for me Chris had his back to me.

"OK you need to put this on." I said, handing him a blindfold.

"Really i have to cover my eyes." he said

"Yes you do or you don't get your surprise." I said whispering in his ear.

"Well your wish is my command." He said putting the blind fold on.

I walked to the front of the couch.

"OK, put out your hand and I'll lead the way."

He smiled and gave me his hands, he stood up and I led him to the bedroom. I opened the door and brought him in.

"I'm gonna take off your blindfold but i don't want you to open your eyes till i say so."

"OK." He said.

I took off the blind fold. And stepped back.

"Open your eyes."

He did and the look on his face was delightful.

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