Chapter 42

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Before I knew it, it was Friday and time to go to Robert's house for dinner.

I was in the bedroom checking out my outfit in the mirror when Chris came in.

"You almost ready babe." He said

"Yeah, hey does this look ok to wear to Robert's"

I decided on a pair of blue jeans a black v-neck t-shirt and knee high boots.

"Wow baby you look great." He said coming up behind me and wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my neck.

"How about we skip Robert's and just stay here and screw each other's brains out." I said.

"Hmm as tempting as that sounds, And believe me it sounds amazing. Robert is really looking forward to seeing you." He said

"Ok." I said

"Are maci and seb meeting us there." Chris asked.

"Yeah, she spent the night over at sebs so she's gonna meet us there."

I grabbed my phone and we headed out to the car and got on the road.

A couple hours later we had arrived at Roberts place up in the hill of California. When we pulled up to the house I was mesmerized.

"Wow this place is bigger than the one in upstate New York."

"Yeah it is." Chris said, grabbing my hand and walking up to the door.

"Chris, are you sure you got the date right? It doesn't look like there's anyone home."

"Robert said today, I'll check the door." He said going over to the door and opening it. "Door's open, let's go in." He said, grabbing my hand and walking into Robert's house.

"Chris I don't think Robert's home, maybe you better call."

"Shit i can't see anything. Oh wait, here's the light switch." He said

When the lights came on I heard.


"What the hell is this?" I was shocked.

"Well I kinda lied about the dinner, it's a surprise party instead." Chris said

"There she is, there's the bride to be, get over here." Robert said giving me a hug and spinning me around.

"Robert, I don't understand." I said

"Well, the future hubby said you've been having a bit of a rough couple weeks with the whole press shit, so I wanted to do something special for you and Dorito here." Robert said


"It's a long long story I'll tell ya another time." Chris said

"Come on, I want you to meet someone." Robert said, leading me away from Chris and over to whom he wanted me to meet.

Chris's POV

I watched Robert drag Lisa off with him. This gave me a chance to hang out with Hems and sebs.

"So you and maci?" I said, taking a drink of my beer.

"Yeah it just happened. She's different from every other woman I've ever dated, she's spontaneous, she doesn't take shit from anyone." Seb said.

"Hey if she's making you this happy then congrats buddy." I said

Sebastian just nodded his head and smiled.

"So where are you Lisa going on the honeymoon." Hemsworth asked.

"I'm taking her on an adventure."

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