Chapter 53

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(Wow. I actually had a break through but not sure if the chapter is any good on not i'm working on the next one. This story will be wrapping up soon, i have a few others save that i wrote a long time ago i just need to figure out who i wanna add. Now my people who do you wanna see me write a story about. I do have another chris evans story or i could do a Frank Adler, Andy Barber the other story i have American Love i'm stuck on so that's on hold. But anyway enough rambling here goes chapter 53.)

Chris's POV

It's been a long and stressful 2 month's from all the issues with the set designs not being right and the late night filming I'm dragging my feet.

I was sitting in my trailer reading up on the next scene I'm filming tonight. I looked at the clock and saw it was past 2am and I had missed some text from Lisa.

"Damn, I missed another text from Lisa." I said, sighing.

I tossed the script I was looking at on the table and rubbed my eyes,then there was a knock on my door.


"Hey Chris, you're needed in hair and make up," Bonnie, my assistant for the film said.

"Ok. Hey Bonnie, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure what's up." Bonnie said

"Can you maybe in the morning call a florist and get some wildflowers and send them to my wife." i said

"Yeah sure I can do that. How long have you been married if it's ok to ask." Bonnie asked.

"6 months but honestly it feels like I have seen her in 2 months. This is all new to her."

"I can understand that, when my husband was in the army i saw him 2, maybe 3 times a year. It's rough, it hurts." Bonnie said

I just smiled.

"But now he's home and our twin girls are so excited that daddy gets to take them to school everyday." Bonnie said

"That's really cool."

"Well you better get to hair and make-up and I'll call when the shop opens. Wildflowers, right." Bonnie said

"Yeah and can you write on the card, I love you and I promise I'll make up for all the lost time. I love you. Ok i think that's good, thank you so much Bonnie."

"I'm just doing my job." Bonnie said.

After Bonnie left I headed to Hair and Make-up to get ready for the night filming.

I thought about what Lisa could be doing right now. More than likely sleeping, I just wanna be in bed with her holding her and feeling her snuggle against me. I miss her so much.

Lisa's POV

Lying in bed I felt an arm wrap around my waist, lips caressing my neck.

"Hmm." I said rolling over and smiling at who I was seeing.

"Hi baby."

"Chris, your home. But I thought you were shooting all night this week."

"Yes I was and we are finally finished. And now I get to spend every day with my wife making up for a lot of time." Chris said

It felt so good to have Chris's arms around me and his lips kissing my neck.

"Hmm baby that feels so good." I said

Suddenly Chris was panting in my ear. Then he started licking me, this was all new and very strange.

"Hmm baby baby." I said, opening my eyes, seeing dodger next to me licking my face.

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