Chapter 5 Late night snack

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Later the next night I was working in the video room with Julie.

"OK so why don't we go back about 45 seconds."

I watched Julie backtrack to what I needed to see.

"There stop. Can you bump up the color on this frame."

"How much you want." Julie asked.

"Go up about 15 percent."

Julie did what I asked.

"Bring it down just 2 percent. Wait right there perfect."

"So how was your date last night." Julie asked.

"Um how did you know about that."

"I ran into Maci at the store this morning and she kinda spilled the beans." Julie said.

"Well remind me to glue her lips shut. But if you must know it was amazing. And that's all I'm gonna say." I said, smiling at Julie who was smiling back.

As we were working there was a knock on the door.

"Um excuse me Miss Anderson, there's someone here to see you."

I turned and saw Chris standing there looking just as good as he did last night.

"Hey. I brought dinner." he said holding up a bag.

"OK guys you can go home we've done all we can do here tonight. I'll see ya Monday." I said.

I walked over to Chris and he gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"So you hungry I got burgers and fries." Chris said.

"Starving. Why don't we go to my office? It's more cozy."

"Lead the way." Chris said

I grabbed his hand and led him to my office, I didn't even get the door closed when Chris spun me around and attacked my lips and wow was it amazing. When we finally came up for air my eyes were closed and my breath was short.

"Wow what was that for." I said my forehead resting against his.

"I have been dying to do that since I walked in the door." He said

"Do it again." I said with a smile.

And Chris didn't hesitate he brought my lips up to his and kissed.

After a long make out session we finally had dinner.

"So what were you working on." He asked.

"Oh just stuff for one of the higher ups. He wants to hype his broadcast and asked me to spice up his videos like I really want to but hey I'm not one to shy away from an opportunity and put my own special touch on it." I said taking a french fry.

"Well I'm sure whatever you do to it will be amazing. Listen I got something I wanted to ask you." Chris said.

I was kind of nervous. I swallowed my mouthful of burger and nodded my head.

"I have to go back to Boston for a couple weeks and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to join me." Chris asked.

Wait did he just ask me to go to his hometown with him. I was a little shocked.

"You want me to come to Boston with you."

"Yeah but if you don't want to that's OK I don't wanna pressure you into something you don't feel ready for. I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." Chris said getting up to throw out the trash.

"Chris I'm sorry I didn't mean to react the way I did." I said "But I would be happy to come to Boston with you."

"Really, you really mean it." He said

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