Chapter 24

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A few days later I was sitting in the living room watching TV.

Chris once again was over his mom's place and I had just about had enough of the cold shoulder. I just didn't know how to approach him.

Like I said , I was sitting on the couch texting Maci.

Well, have you talked to him yet?

He hasn't come home yet.

Girl you need to nip this in the butt, He can't keep doing this to you, you deserve an explanation to why he's doing this.

I heard the door open and Chris came back with dodger in tow.

Hey I'll talk to you tomorrow ok Chris is home.

Ok baby girl, be tough and be strong. Love you.

I will and I love you too.

I heard him talking to dodger.

"Go get some water buddy."

He didn't even say two things to me. I was about to say something when he went upstairs. I heard the shower running.

My sadness turned to rage. So i headed up to the bedroom and went into the bathroom and ripped open the shower curtain

"What the hell Lisa, what is wrong with you." He said

"What's wrong with me, what in the hell is wrong with you."

"Nothing, now can you let me finish my shower." he said, closing the shower curtain but i pulled it open again.

"Oh I'm not letting you finish shit, get out of the shower and tell me what the hell is going on with you."

"Look, I said it was nothing." He said reaching for a towel.

He walked past me and into the bedroom.

"I'm not buying that, you have been giving me the cold shoulder for weeks now and I wanna know why. Did I say something, or did I do something to piss you off like this?"

I heard his sigh and saw his shoulder slump.

"It's nothing so can you just drop it." he said.

"No, I'm not dropping this."

He grabbed his clothes and went back into the bathroom to get dressed.

A few minutes later he came out and walked out of the bathroom so I followed him.

"Chris, please talk to me, I wanna know what's wrong or what I did so I can fix it please." I said touching his arm which he pulled away.

I just couldn't tell what was wrong but I knew he was pissed about something, Chris has never not talked to me.

"I think I know what's bothering you. There's someone else and you just don't have the nerve to tell me. You know what that's fine it was bound to happen. I'm not the ideal girl for big shot Hollywood heartthrob Chris Evans to be dating. Well I'll save you the trouble of telling me there's someone else. I'll just pack and go back to New York where I belong. I knew this would be too good to be true." I said tears welling up in my eyes.

I got to the bedroom and pulled my suitcase out of the closet and grabbed all my clothes without bothering to fold them.

"What are you doing?" He said.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm packing. I'm going back to New York, you obviously have a secret that you don't have the guts to tell me about or there is someone else and you can't tell me so why bother to put myself through that and just leave."

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