Chapter 64

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(I want to say thanks for all the kind words and comments on the story. I had to work this past week and i am so tired. Plus once again this weather is killing my sinuses so I'm dealing with that. Ok so i want to say that i know nothing about medical lingo and stuff like that so bare with me ok so onto chapter 64 enjoy. Warning explicit language ) 

"Shit, son of a bitch."

I could hear someone yelling. I opened my eyes and tried to see where I was. The last thing I remembered was being in the basement of wherever I was being held.

When I was able to focus I could see I was in the backseat of a car and the person yelling was Jacob.

"Welp looks like we've gotta find another way out of the city. Fuck me." He said.

"Why did you get lost?" I said

"No smart ass, the cops have roadblocks everywhere and they know what my car looks like. This is a fucking nightmare." He said

"Jacob just give up. Turn yourself in,"

"Are you fucking insane if i turn myself in i go to jail for killing that loud mouth bitch and torturing you for weeks. I wouldn't last one week in jail." He said

He was right he would never last in jail.

"Alright new plan, I'm making a break for it." He said starting the car and peeling out of the hiding place we were hiding in.

Tires screeching and sirens wailing, I sat up in the backseat and saw blue and red flashing lights.

Jacob was driving as fast as he could on a back road just outside of New York. The faster he went the more it was hard for him to control the car.

"Jacob, please slow down your gonna get us both killed."

"You think i fucking care if I'm going down I'm taking you with me princess now shut the fuck up." He said, pushing me back in the seat.

Whenever he swerved I closed my eyes.

With my eyes closed I picture my life with Chris and our baby, sitting in the bedroom watching the snowfall, a warm fire roaring, dodger on the floor playing with our son or daughter, we would go to Disneyland and recreate the day he proposed to me every year on our anniversary.

Growing old together, just being with each other. I could hear Chris's voice in my head telling me how much he loves me. Tears streaming down my face.

I took a deep breath and mustard up all the strength I had left in me.

I sat up and lunged forward grabbing Jacob's face and raking my nails over his eyes causing him to lose control of the car.

"Fuck get off me bitch." He yelled.

I dug my fingers in his eyes more.

The car swerved back and forth, then we hit a guardrail and I felt the car go down and start to flip over. I could feel my body hit every part of the inside of the car.

When the car finally stopped moving it was upside down, I could hear the tree branches falling down and then everything went black.

Chris's POV

Sitting in this hotel room waiting for news of any kind was starting to make me go a little crazy. I tried to keep busy but no matter what I did all I could think about was lisa.

I went back to her journal and the next entry was the first fight we had as a married couple.

Monica Robertson.

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