Chapter 59

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(Wow. this chapter had me rethinking my writing skills. I rewrote it so many times and i still think it doesn't come off right or however it is. I know nothing about police procedure or the lingo even though my uncle was a cop/detective you would think with all the Chicago Pd's i've watched i would know lol. But yes so this has some trigger warnings i hope everyone likes it. And i'm writing the next chapter as we speak it might take me awhile cause well life and all that so Enjoy guys. and Thanks for all the words of encouragement i'am so grateful to you all.) 

Chris's POV 3 weeks later

"Hey Chris, good news and bad news. Um Chris, are you ok?"

"Janey oh hey sorry did you say something."

"Are you Ok." Janey asked.

"Yeah, I just can't seem to get a hold of Lisa."

"When was the last time you talked to her?" she said

"Umm when she got back to New York. That's 2 weeks ago. I've been so busy I haven't had time to talk to her."

"Well that's why I'm here, I've got good news and bad news." She said

"Good news first."

"Ok good news tonight is the last dinner with the movie executives." Janey said.

"Alright, what's the bad news?"

"The Movie premier is canceled after dinner tonight you can go to New York." Janey said

"Are you serious? After dinner tonight I'm done. I can go to New York."

"Yes Chris. After dinner your free, well until the New York press and premiere in a week." Janey said

"Yes. Thank you Janey."

I hugged her and headed down to dinner and once dinner was over I couldn't get out of my monkey suit and packed fast enough.

Once I got to the plane I got on and settled in and I called Lisa.

Lisa- Hey I'm sorry i can't come to the phone right now, just leave a message or text me if it's important. Have a great day.

"Hey gorgeous, just wanted to let you know I'm on the jet and I'm coming to NYC. The last premier got canceled so I'm heading back to the states. I miss you, give me a call when you get this."

All these thoughts ran through my head, is she ok? Is she hurt? Maybe she's sleeping. I just couldn't stop thinking about things.

So I called my brother.

"Hello bro, what's up?" Scott said.

"Hey, have you heard from Lisa."

"Umm yeah she called me 2 weeks ago when she was in New York why." Scott said

"That's how long I've been trying to get a hold of her. She was sick when she left. I hope she's ok."

"I'm sure she's fine Chris." Scott said

"Yeah i guess, well I'm heading to New York I'll be there in a few hours."

"Everything go well on the press tour." he said

"Yeah it went great. Alright I'm gonna crash out. I'll see you soon."

"Ok bro, safe flight." Scott said.

After I got done with Scott I called around to a few more people and none of them have heard from Lisa.

"Where are you, baby." I said to myself as I felt my eyelids get heavy.

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