Chapter 65

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(wow I'm not gonna lie i had to stop writing this chapter a couple time cause it was really a struggle to write about death and i guess the afterlife. But i hope you guys like it. And now Ch 65)

The nurse finally came and got me after the 45 minutes Dr Harper told me. Scott and seb wanted to come to but they both went to get mom to give me some alone time with Lisa.

When the nurse led me in I had to catch my breath, she looked so pale, she had bandages covering the left side of her face, tubes coming out of everywhere.

The faint sound of machines doing their job.

"Mr Evans, are you alright." The nurse asked.

"Umm, is she in any pain?"

"No, as Dr Harper explained she's in a medically induced coma. She can't feel anything right now." the nurse said

I walked over to the right side of her bed, leaned over and kissed her forehead.

I didn't even hear the nurse leave, I grabbed a chair and sat down at her bedside and grabbed her hand and brought it up to my lips and kissed her hand.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry that I wasn't there. I should have been there to protect you. I can't even begin to imagine what you went through. But your here now and your alive, but the doctors put you in a coma so you can heal up and get better and when you get better we are taking a much needed vacation anywhere you wanna go." I said, brushing the tears off my cheeks.

"But you have to get better, baby. I need you. I'm lost right now. I miss looking at those sexy hazel eyes, I miss your laugh and I miss laying in bed just having you in my arms, dodger trying to squeeze himself in between us."

The tears were now flowing down my face like a river.

I just held her hand close to me and just watched her sleep.

A part of me was dying, another part of me just wanted to get my hands on that son of bitch that did this to my wife. But I knew Lisa wouldn't want me to lose it. I laid my head down and fell asleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep when I heard my name.


I lifted my head up and saw mom standing next to me.

"Hi mom."

She kissed the top of my head and walked over to the other side of Lisa's bed and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Hello my beautiful girl. You sure did give us a scare but now your here and your gonna get better and when you do I'm gonna give you the biggest most obnoxious i can ever give." Mom said, giving me a smile.

"Where's Scott and Sebastian."

"I sent them back to the hotel to get Lisa's things. She's gonna want her things when she wakes up. And she will wake up. Don't lose hope of that honey." Mom said

I just shook my head and turned my attention back to Lisa.

Lisa's POV

I was walking down a road. Lights burning bright and sirens piercing into the cold night.

The closer I got the more chaos I could see. But why, what was going on.

I walked closer, and that's when I saw it. A mangled guardrail and skid marks leading down a hillside into a murky muddy creek. I got to the edge and saw some dirt slide down the hill.

"Careful sweetheart you don't wanna fall down there do you."

When I turned around and saw who was standing there I was shocked.

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