Chapter 110

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(Hey guys, i'm sorry i haven't updated, things are ok, i've been writing when i get inspiration, i don't feel confident about this chapter, i hope you like and yes there is some shower fun if you know what i mean.)

Chris's POV

We've been seeing women non stop for the past 2 weeks and none of the women picked really fit us.

All of these meetings were starting to take a toll on Lisa, after one of the meetings i took her home and like all the others she headed up to bed and decided to get some rest.

After Lisa had gone up to rest I headed into my office to catch up on some work that had begun to pile up. I was neck deep in emails when my cell rang, when I saw the caller ID I saw it was mom.

"Hey mom."

"Hey honey, how ya doing." she asked.

"I'm ok, tired but I'm good."

"So how's the surrogacy hunt going?" she asked.

"It's not. Mom every person we've seen is either not the right fit or just in it for the money."

"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry, how's Lisa holding up." she asked.

"She's frustrated but she's hiding it well. I'm worried about her mom."

"I know you are honey, listen why don't the two of you get away for a little bit go someplace and get some rest, relax and just have some fun, get your mind off things." she said

"Maybe your right, maybe we need a change of scenery, thanks mom."

"No problem honey, call me soon ok, love you." She said

"Love you more."

Mom was right. I needed to get Lisa away from all this, we both could use some rest.

Later that afternoon I went up to check on Lisa, when I got into the bedroom she was sitting up in bed.

"Hey, I thought you would be sleeping."

"I was." she said, i could see the look on her face.

"Hey you ok."

"Chris, do you think we should stop looking for a surrogate?" she asked

"We can put a hold on it for now if you want to."

"No, I mean stop looking completely, Chris, we've been looking for weeks and not one woman is the right fit or she just wants the money and that's not what we signed up for. I'm sorry I'm just frustrated and I don't mean to take it out on you." she said

"Hey it's ok. That's what I'm here for. How about we take a break from the meetings and all the surrogacy stuff just for a little while."

"What did you have in mind?" She said

"Well I was thinking that we need a change of scenery. I was thinking we could go to the LA house, have a picnic on the beach, veg out on the couch, just relax."

"That sounds like a good idea, When can we leave?" she asked.

"How fast can you pack?"

She smiled and jumped off the bed and started to pack. I called the airfield and got a plane ready for us to go. I grabbed a bag and packed some stuff for me.

"I hope I'm not forgetting anything." she said

"Don't worry if you forget something we can go buy it."

"Oh what about dodger." she asked.

"Mom's gonna pick him up later and take him to her place. She also told me to make sure you have some fun and get some rest."

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