Chapter 29

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(Warning Sexy time.)

After a very long flight we finally made it to LA.

"I'm so tired I could sleep for days."

"Well I hope your not gonna sleep for days cause we have a whole week's worth of fun planned." Chris said, pulling me into his arms and kissing me.

We got so lost in each other we didn't even hear someone clear their throat.

"Um pardon."

"Sorry Maci." I said.

"Don't be sorry. Since Scott offered to let me stay at his place I'm gonna go with them and give you guys some much needed alone time." Maci said.

Chris let me go and I walked over to Maci and gave her a hug.

"I love you slut."

"I love you to whore now go and have fun with your man and we will see you tomorrow at Disneyland." Maci said in almost a squeal.

I just laughed and watched her leave with Scott.

When I turned around Chris was already in the house, I headed up the steps and into the house shutting the door behind me.


"I'm out here." He said.

I headed outside to see Chris pouring some wine. He handed me a glass, then we sat down on the steps overlooking his backyard.

"It's so peaceful out here." I said.

"Yeah it is." He said placing his hand on the back of my neck rubbing it.

I melted at the touch of his hand on my neck.

"Hmm that feels so good."

"How about I go run you a hot bath and I can unpack while you relax." He said.

"That sounds amazing."

He kissed my forehead, got up and headed upstairs to the master bedroom.

A few moments later I went upstairs and into the bathroom and I saw Chris lighting some candles.

"Wow Evans, you really know how to romance a girl."

"Anything for you baby. Now why don't you relax and I'll go unpack." He said kissing me.

I got undressed and lowered myself into the warm bubble bath. And I could feel my body relax.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chris bring some stuff into the bathroom. He came over the tub and sat on the side of it.

"Why don't you come in here and relax with me." I said

"Hmm, as much as I would love to, I have to finish unpacking." He said.

I grabbed his hand and brought it up to my lips and began kissing his fingers.

"Really you would much rather be unpacking than be in here with me." I said

I continued to play with his hand.

"Are you absolutely 100 percent sure you don't wanna join me. After all, I'm very naked under these bubbles." I said

Chris shook his head and let out a small growl.

"Yes I'm 100 percent sure." He said

"Ok can't blame a girl for trying. Can I have a kiss before you go back to unpacking."

"Now that I'll be happy to give." He said

But I had other intentions in mind. When he leaned down to kiss me I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into the tub with me.

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