Chapter 69

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Chris's POV

It's been a couple hours since Megan left and Lisa remembered who took her and who killed maci.

She finally calmed down enough for us to talk.

"Sweetheart, listen I know this is a lot to take in, i don't really know what to say."

"Chris, where's Jacob." she asked.

"He's in Jail. Your safe, he's not gonna hurt you again."

"I wanna talk to the cops." she said.

"Honey no it's been a long morning and you need to rest."

"Chris, please just call someone please. I need to talk to the cops. Please." She asked.

"Alright." I said.

As much as I didn't want her to, I couldn't stop her so I pulled out my phone and called Detective Martin.

An hour later Detective Martin had arrived.

"Mrs Evans hi I'm Detective Martin." He said, reaching his hand out and Lisa shook it.

"Hello Detective." she said

"You look better than the last time I saw you." He said

"Thank you, I feel somewhat better. I'm ready to talk about what happened to me." She said

"Mrs Evans there's no rush for you to tell us what happened." He said

"Detective, with all due respect I need to get this out." she said

"Alright, let's start with the day you were taken." He said

I sat next to Lisa and held her hand as she told the detective what happened.

Lisa's POV

My whole body was shaking but Chris placed his hand on my back and I calmed down.

"After I found my friend maci dead, I pulled out my phone to call the police and then I felt something hit my head. I don't know what it was but it was hard enough to knock me out."

"Yes, it was determined that it was a trophy with a marble bottom, we found it under the bed and the blood didn't match Maci's." he said

"When I woke up, I was tied to a chair in a basement or room I think. Jacob kept poking me to wake up, when I did it was hard to adjust my eyes to the light. When I finally did, I saw who had me."

"Do you have any idea as to why he would kidnap you?" detective Martin asked.

"Yes I do. When I lived in Boston I met Jacob at a bar that maci was working at and i thought he was a nice guy. We went on one date but I realized we had nothing in common, no chemistry, no spark, no anything, so when he asked me for a second date I said no and i told him why, he said he was ok and that he understood, A couple weeks later he showed up at my work, at school he would follow me everywhere, then one day I got a package and it was filled with dead roses and dismembered rats, a year later I got that same type of package again this time at our home in LA."

I took a deep breath and kept going. It was like all the memories I had lost just came flooding back to me.

"When i was tied up, Jacob just kept telling me how much he wanted to hurt the people i love, he told me how he killed maci, he told me what he did to her, it made me sick to my stomach i wanted to kill him, i don't how long i was down their days or weeks but Jacob said to me he wanted to make a tape and send it to my husband he wanted money, I told him Chris would never give him money he would hunt him down and kill him first before he gave him anything, before he sent the tape he hit me a couple times I'm sure you've seen the tape."

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