Chapter 68

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(wow i don't know where this sudden surge of chapters has come from but i get an idea or i think i have a good chapter i write it so I'm going with it lol so here goes.)

Lisa's POV

"Wakey wakey, time to wake up princess."

I could hear someone asking me to wake up but all I could see was darkness, i tried to move but it felt like I was tied to something.

Someone pulled at something that was on my head and when I opened my eyes it was like their was a light shining in my eyes and i couldn't make out a face all i could see was a body.

"Where am i."

"Where are you, you mean you don't know." The person said.

I couldn't get my eyes to focus. Then I suddenly felt something that felt like fire blazing through my body. When I opened my eyes I was upside down.

I started to freak out, it was hard to breathe, it felt like I had a big weight on my chest. I started to hyperventilate and when I opened my mouth to scream nothing came out.

I was gasping for air, I was thrashing around violently.

Chris's POV

I was on the phone in Lisa's room when I saw her moving around in bed.

I couldn't tell but I think she's having a nightmare.

"Hey mom can i call you back, yeah ok I'll talk to you later." I hung up with my mom and walked over to Lisa's bedside.

"No, no, no, help someone help me please."

Lisa was mumbling for someone to help her.

"Sweetheart. Lisa honey, wake up." I lightly touched her arm.

I watched her thrash around and shot straight up in bed, she was breathing heavily and she was sweating.

"Hey, hey baby it's ok. Your ok." I said holding her still so she didn't hurt herself.

"Where am i." she said

"Your in the hospital."

"Chris is that you." She said, touching my face.

"Yeah baby it's me your okay I've got you, your safe, it's ok." I said holding her in my arms.

Her nightmare caused an alarm on her monitor to go off and Dr Harper came rushing in.

"Chris, everything is ok." Dr Harper asked.

"She had a bad dream and seems really agitated, I can't calm her down."

"Ok I'm gonna give her a mild sedative that should help her calm down." Dr Harper said.

After he gave her the sedative I could feel Lisa's body relax, I laid her back down and stayed next to her on the bed.

"Hmm, Chris, Dr Harper, what's going on." She asked.

"You had a bad dream honey."

"Am I ok?" She asked.

"Your fine Lisa, I gave you a mild sedative. Chris said you had a bad dream." Dr Harper said

"I guess it was just a big jumbled mess of things." She said

"Well I see your seeing Dr Phillips today. I'm sure you guys will talk about it. If you need anything else don't hesitate to call me." Dr Harper said.

"Thank you doctor." she said

I waited for the doctor to leave before I said anything. I turned to Lisa and she looked defeated.

"Hey you ok." I said taking her hand in mine.

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