Chapter 36

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It's been a couple days since the wedding got leaked to the press. I was in my room packing and getting everything ready to leave tomorrow morning for LA.

As i was packing i kinda got lost in my own thoughts and i didn't hear maci come in.

"Ok so I've got one bag pack and that's your makeup, the jewelry your wearing for the wedding and the reception and your shoes for the ceremony and your shoes for the reception." Maci said

I wasn't even paying attention to her.

"And I've also got a box of very special goodies your gonna need for the wedding night. Things like pink fuzzy handcuffs and dildos and butt plugs oh and nipple clamps you think Chris would like nipple clamps. OK either your ignoring me or your own little world. HEY." Maci said, clapping her hands.

"Maci, when did you come in?"

"I've been in here a few minutes, what's going on in that head of yours darling, your not still worried about the press are you." Maci asked.

"Yeah a little, I know I shouldn't be, Chris and Scott have assured me that nothing's gonna stop this wedding but it's not the wedding I'm worried about."

"Then what's worrying you." Maci said

I hated burdening my friend with this but she's all I have to talk to right now.

"I'm worried about when we leave here, I'm worried about the paparazzi, I mean what if i have a panic attack again, what if my dress gets wrecked. What if I lose my dress?"

"Well as your maid of honor I took the liberty of sending your dress and your reception outfit to LA and Scott called me this morning and it got there this afternoon. And I was face-timing with him and your dress and reception outfit are perfect." Maci said

"Maci, what if Chris see's my dress?"

"Honey he won't, Scott has assured me that your dress is in the guest room locked and only he has the key so no one not even Chris can get in there to see it. So stop worrying about your dress. And stop worrying about the paps ok." Maci said

"Thank you, but I'm still worried, maybe we should change our flight to later tonight."

"Honey listen to me, we're flying out of a private airfield security will be there and no paps will be allowed in. You still wanna go through with this wedding right." Maci said

"Of course I do, I love Chris, but I'm wondering if this is all worth it, the press finding out, the stories in the magazines, maybe Chris was right maybe we should have just went to the justice of the peace and gotten it over with."

"Well I for one am glad you didn't go to the justice of the peace. Honey, you've dreamed of your wedding day since I've known you. This wedding is gonna be amazing but you have to start pushing those thoughts out of your head." Maci said

"I'll try. I better get finished. We have to be at the airfield by 7am and I've still got one more suitcase to pack."

Maci hugged me and left to finish her packing.

I thought about what she said and maybe she was right. Maybe I did need to stop thinking the worst and start focusing on my wedding to Chris.

Bright and earlier the next morning Maci and I left the apartment and headed to the elevator. Once we got to the lobby of the building, flashes of light everywhere.

"Shit." Maci said

"I knew it, I knew we should have gone out the back way."

"Honey the back-way is a dirty trash filled alley." Maci said

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