Chapter 32

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(Hey guys sorry it take me so long to write the chapters for this. Sometimes my brain doesn't wanna work and when it don't work i kinda hide and not bother with stuff, it's not writers block i know because i have ideas for the story in my head i just have a hard time getting them out. I hope everyone understands why it takes me so long to post i just want it to be perfect and not sound like a 4 years old wrote it. Again i appreciate all the votes and keep the comments coming .)

So on to some sexy time. Enjoy.

The next morning when I woke up I thought of what happened the day before and I thought it was a dream until I looked down at my left hand and saw my ring shining in the peaking sunlight.

"It wasn't a dream, I'm really engaged." I said looking at my ring.

"Good morning fiance."

I looked up and saw Chris standing at the bedroom door.

"Good morning fiance." i said

He walked over to the bed, sat down and kissed me.

"So how does it feel to be a fiance." He asked

"I don't think it's all sunk in yet. Just yesterday morning I was just your girlfriend, now I'm the future Mrs Chris Evans."

"Hmm The Future Mrs Evans i love how that sounds. So what does my blushing bride wanna do today?" He said, kissing my neck.

"Well since you've gotta go back to work on Friday and I'm going back to New York with maci Thursday morning that give us 4 days to do whatever we want and i say we go get something to eat."

"I have a better idea, and my idea doesn't involve leaving this room." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Mr Evans, are you suggesting that we stay in bed, and what we would be doing while staying in bed."

"I can think of a few things we can do to pass the time." He said.

I giggled, then I felt Chris's hand on the back of my head pulling me closer to him and his lips crashing on mine. He pulled the blankets away from me and pushed me back down on the bed.

His hands roaming down from my neck to the hem of my panties, his fingers lightly touching my skin sending shivers through my entire body.

I reached down and pulled his shirt off over his head and tossed it behind him onto the floor. I could feel him pull down my panties and push them down my legs and taking them off.

He ventured back to his spot and took his finger and swiped over my clit, making me moan, which made him softly growl into my mouth.

As he was working on my clit with one hand his other was trying to unbutton my pajama top, getting more frustrated he reached up and ripped open my top sending the buttons flying all over the room.

"Glad that was a pajama top."

"I'll buy you a new one. I'll buy you a million pieces of clothing just so I can rip them off you and devour you." He said, kissing me with hunger, his hand massaging my breast, his other moving his finger in my slick clit.

Circling his finger around the most sensitive part of my clit, my back arching ever so slightly off the bed. He pushed the tip of his finger into me causing me to gasp in pleasure, he lifted his head to look at me, seeing that i was enjoying it he pushed his finger in more.


His finger worked into me, in and out, in and out, I could feel myself dripping, that's when I felt him shove another finger into me, I cried out, almost a scream. He picked up his pace, his thumb massaging my clit as he pumped his fingers faster.

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