Chapter 98

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(Wow it's been a week hasn't it ladies, People magazine gave us what we've been saying for years our man Christopher Robert Evans is the sexiest man alive and wow those pics are just drool worthy, But enough about that let's get on with this. Again i know nothing about medical stuff and guys I'm so sorry I'm so so so so so sorry. but i don't hope you love the story still. Chapter 98)

Chris's POV

When I grabbed her hand I felt her squeeze it. I looked up and saw her slowly open her eyes.

"Chris." she said

"Hi baby."

"The baby's gone isn't it." she said, her voice trembling.

I felt my eyes begin to tear up i just held her hand and told her the news.

"I'm so sorry honey but yeah the baby's gone."

It was like the flood gates had opened up, I tried to comfort her the best I could without hurting her.

"I'm so sorry Chris." she said crying.

"Hey you have nothing to be sorry for. These things happen."

She sobbed so hard, I didn't know what to say.

"Listen, get some rest and in the morning the doctor will come in and explain everything to you ok."

"Will you stay with me please?" she asked.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here when you wake up. I promise." I said, kissing her forehead.

I watched her drift off to sleep. When I knew she was fully asleep I headed out into the hall. I leaned back against the wall and sighed deeply.

"Chris honey is Lisa ok."

"Yeah mom, she's sleeping right now."

"Honey. It's ok I'm here you don't have to hold it in anymore. I know your hurting." mom said

She was right. I was holding it in.

"Mom, I don't know what I'm gonna do. When she wakes up she's gonna be distraught, she was so happy about being pregnant and now that's gone,I don't know how I'm gonna talk to her about this. I just don't want to lose her to that dark place she was in after the accident. How do I explain to her that she can't ever have kids ever." i said

"Maybe you should call Megan. I'm sure she would come here and talk to Lisa." mom said

Mom was right, Megan was the one that helped her the last time.

"That's a good idea mom, can you go sit with her."

"Yes, go make your call." she said

I gave mom a kiss on the cheek and headed outside. I dialed Megan's number and waited.


"Megan, hey it's Chris."

"Chris, how are you? How's Lisa." Megan said

"That's why I'm calling, is there a chance you can come to Boston."

"What happened?" she asked.

"It's a lot to explain over the phone but 6 months ago Lisa found out she was pregnant. But she lost the baby just a few hours ago, but she was hemorrhaging so badly that the doctor had to give her a hysterectomy."

"Oh Chris, I'm so sorry, I can be in Boston tomorrow afternoon, what hospital are you at and what's Lisa's doctor's name." she asked.

"Boston memorial and she has two doctor's Dr Kelly Roth and Dr Lewis. I don't know his first name."

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