Chapter 105

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(Hey all hope you enjoying the story, just a heads up the next couple of chapters are gonna be filled with some raunchy stuff, just wanted to give ya heads up yep a lot of seggytime ;-) LoL anyway here ya go Chapter 105 enjoy and don't forget to vote.)

It seemed like I was crying forever. After I was done and calmed down, Megan handed me some water.

"So when was the last time you've gotten a good night's sleep?" she asked

"I don't know all I do is stare up at the ceiling, every time I close my eyes all I see is everything that's happened to me and I just freak out and then I'm awake."

"You've been having nightmares about the accident." she asked

"Not just that, it's the kidnapping, the days I went being locked up in that basement, the hospital, the first time and then the most recent is the miscarriage. I kept going over and over in my head. If I had just stayed home maybe I would still be pregnant."

"Lisa you were a high risk pregnancy, there was nothing you could have done differently to save the baby." she said

"Megan I feel so empty, I feel like I'm not the person I used to be and that scares me. I wanna be her again but living in the past, remembering all the good things that happened in my life seems to disappear."

"What do you mean Lisa?" Megan asked.

"When I was little I was happy and my mom died. Years later I met Maci and we had so much fun and everything was great. Then I met Chris and everything was great. We were all so happy. Maci was in a relationship. My marriage it was amazing. I was traveling all over the world and then I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't wait to tell Chris. And that's when life as I knew it changed."

I could feel my body shaking.

"Keep going Lisa." She said.

"Then I found Maci dead, I got abducted by a psychopath, he kept me captive. I didn't think I would ever see Chris again. I prayed and prayed, after a while I thought I was gonna die down there in that basement. But the only thing that died was my baby." I said tears streaming down my face.

"And then I thought I was better. I thought things would start getting better but I started to spiral, Megan you know all this."

"Ok yes I do. So tell me what really set you off enough to kick out your husband. The man that has been there for you." Megan said

"Been there for me. Yeah right. He hasn't been there for me."

"Lisa." Megan said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"He left me here alone while he went off to DC to be some big shot politician, he should have been here with me. I had to depend on Ana. I was in pain, I was scared, he left me here I needed him and he left me."

The crying was uncontrollable, Megan held me in her arms to comfort me.

I just couldn't stop crying. It was like all the months of bottling it all up just came flooding out.

"Lisa, I need you to listen to me." she said

I lifted my head and looked at Megan.

"Everything you've been through was not your, you have to stop blaming yourself for what happened. And pushing people away that just wanna be there to comfort you and protect you has to stop. Those people you need them in your life. And the one person you need is Chris." Megan said

"But what if something bad happens again."

"Honey bad things are gonna happen but if you keep to yourself it's just gonna be that much more worse if you don't have a support system to help you get through it." she said

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