Chapter 101

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(Hey guys ok so i need your honest opinion am i don't ok with the story, to me it feels meh so be honest guys any help would be appreciated. So here we go here's chapter 101 i hope you guys like it and give your feedback send me a message or comment Love you guys.)

Chris' POV

After Lisa locked herself in the bathroom and asked me to give her some space and grabbed my PJ's and headed downstairs.

I don't understand what happened. But i remembered my mom said to me don't push her let, if she wants to talk she'll talk.

She seemed so scared, when I saw the look on her face it scared me. I wanted to reach out and hold her but she ran off before I could.

I grabbed a pillow and blanket from the hall closet and laid down on the couch. Soon I was joined by dodger who got comfy, but all I could do was lay there and stare up at the ceiling.

All i wanted to do was run upstairs and just put my arms around her and comfort her but i didn't want her to shut down. I just hope the morning can shed some light on what happened.

Lisa's POV

All i did was toss and turn, when i grabbed my phone i saw that it was 5am so i decided instead of looking up at the ceiling i thought it was best to get out of bed, i grabbed my clothes from the dresser, got dressed and headed downstairs.

When I got into the living room I saw Chris asleep on the couch cuddled up with dodger. I walked closer to him, I took the blanket off the back of the couch and put it on him trying not to wake him up.

I walked to the back door, grabbed my coat and headed out the back and down to the beach.

I walked down the beach not too close to the water and sat down. I buried my feet in the sand, took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I replayed what happened last night and I felt horrible.

I watched the sun come up and decided to head back to the house. When I headed inside Chris was still sleeping on the couch, I didn't have the heart to wake him so I went upstairs to shower and get dressed.

After my shower I got dressed and headed downstairs to find Chris wasn't on the couch and I didn't see dodger either, I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter.

Went for a run, took dodger with me, see ya when I get back.

Love Chris.

I sighed.

I felt horrible, this vacation started off great but now i didn't know how the rest of it was going to go.

Chris's POV

As the days went by I could feel Lisa getting distant, and frankly I was getting scared.

One night I couldn't sleep, I looked over to see Lisa sleeping peacefully, or so I thought. She started tossing and turning, she then sat up cursing to herself.

"Dammit." She said

She turned and looked at me.

"I'm sorry did i wake you up." She said

"No, I was already up. Are you alright." i said

I watched her run her hands over face.

"Yeah I'm fine, just restless." she said.

"You wanna talk about it." I said placing my hand on her back.

"No I'm ok, I'm just really tired." she said, her voice breaking.

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