Chapter 66

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(WOW. Is all i have to say, I didn't know i had this in me, i guess since i haven't slept in awhile this is just pouring out of me lol. Hope you enjoy)

Chris's POV

It's been almost 72 hours since Dr Harper told me that Lisa made a major improvement so he gave her the medicine to slowly bring her out of her coma.

Nurses coming and going checking her vitals every hour, but still no sign of her waking up.

I haven't left the spot I've been in since she was brought back from all the tests she had.

Mom had to go back to Boston and Sebastian needed to get back to LA, Scott was still with me.

After more nurses came and went I was getting more and more pissed off, Dr Harper came in and checked Lisa's vitals.

"Doc, I don't understand why she hasn't woken up yet you said 48 to 72 hours and she would be awake."

"Mr Evans we've done everything we can, it's up to your wife to wake, she has to want to wake up. Her condition went from serious to critical, we can't do anymore but monitor her." The doc said.

"So doc what your saying is, Lisa has to fight to wanna wake up." Scott said

"Yes. Right now it's all up to her." The doc said leaving the room

I just sat there, I was baffled.

"Talk to her Chris, maybe tell her I don't know something." Scott said

"Scott, I've talked to her about everything. How I felt when I first met her, how nervous I was to propose to her, how nervous I was on our wedding day. How it felt to see her sitting in the crowd at my press tour. I don't know what else to do."

"Wait Chris, I think I know what you can talk about." Scott said looking at his phone.

I lifted my head when Scott showed me his phone.

"Wait, that's the date."

"Yeah, your one year wedding anniversary is in 3 weeks. Talk about that. Look, I'll get out of here for a while. Just talk about the wedding again, maybe something will trigger her to wake up." Scott said

I nodded.

I grabbed Lisa's hand and started stroking it.

"You know when I saw you walking down the aisle, you had the biggest smile on your face, and I thought, my god how did i get so lucky to find someone that didn't care about the money or the fame, how did i find someone that cares about my family the way you do. How did get lucky to find a woman that is smart, beautiful and so down to earth." I said, tears pricking my eyes.

"When I first met you I thought that you were the most amazing person I have ever met. The way you opened up to me on our very first date, how you told me about your mom, about how you and maci became friends. And as time went by I just fell more and more in love with you, hell I was ready to tell you I loved you after our first date." I said laughing.

"But when you said your vows to me and told me how you always pictured what your wedding day would be like it blew me away. Baby you gotta wake up you gotta fight. I need you, we all need you. Your the rock we all turn to when we need a shoulder to lean on." I said holding her hand.

I didn't know what else to do, then I had a thought.

"I don't know if you can hear me but I hope that when you hear this you come back to me."

"Can't say how the days will unfold, can't change what the future may hold, but I need you in it, every hour, every minute."

I took a deep breath so I wouldn't start hysterically crying.

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