Chapter 117

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(Hey guys, wow taking some time off really helped, yes I'm not writing as much as i was before I've been trying to write a paragraph here and there or just take a couple hours and just write and it's working, and keep a look out for the story to be coming to a close very soon. Thanks again all. Here is ch 117)

One morning I was in the kitchen making some coffee for myself, and some tea for Carly. She was tired and decided to stay in bed so I took her some toast and tea.

I knocked on the guest room door and waited for an answer.

"Carly, I've got some tea for you, Carly." i said

I opened the door and saw her sitting on the bed and she looked like she was in pain.

"Carly, are you alright."

"No, I don't know what's wrong, I think I'm labor." she said

"What you can't be in labor, your only 7 months along."

Carly was about to say something when she yelled out in pain.

"OUCH, oh god Lisa i think we need to go to the hospital." she said

I was shaking from being so scared. What if something was wrong with the baby, my worst fear was coming true.

Before we left the house I called Kelly and told her we were heading to the hospital, she said she would meet us there.

When we got to the hospital, Carly was rushed into a room and hooked up to machines to help monitor the baby.

I was sitting next to Carly holding her hand.

"Carly has this ever happened before."

"No, never before, I had discomfort but it was usually braxton hicks but this is too intense to be braxton hicks contraction oh god this hurts so much where the hell is Kelly." she said

"I don't know I'll go see if she's here yet."

As I was about to get up, Kelly came in.

"Sorry Carly traffic was a bitch, Ok Carly scale of 1-10 how bad is the pain." Kelly asked

"It feels like I'm being split in two." Carly said

I watched Kelly examine Carly and when she was done Kelly had a look on her face that didn't look just right.

"Ok Carly, unfortunately you are in labor, but the good news is your water hasn't broken yet so that's a good sign, so I'm gonna give you some medication to stop the labor from progressing." Kelly said

"And what if you can't stop the labor from progressing."

"Then Carly, we would have to do a c-section to get the baby out safely." Kelly said

I could feel my heart racing.

"Lisa, I will do everything in my power to make sure Carly and the baby are ok. Carly, I'm getting that medication started so you can relax and get some rest." Kelly said leaving the room.

I felt like I was frozen to the spot I was standing in, I couldn't believe this was happening. I had so many thoughts running through my head.

Carly calling my name broke me out of my trance.

"Lisa." she said

I rushed over to her bedside and held her hand. When I looked at her I could tell she was scared but she wasn't saying she was.

"Are you ok?"

"I think so, I've just never experienced something like this before. Maybe you should call Chris to let him know what's going on." Carly said

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